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J. M. DREYER (University of South Africa, South Africa, UNISA), AND M. C. MAPHALALA (South Africa)

2015 • Pages: 131 • Size: 180x240 • Binding: Hard • PRICE: US $ 35/-RS. 1000/-

(Special Issue of International Journal of Educational Sciences - No. 2)


Teacher education consists of different types of knowledge that must be integrated, namely:
• Conceptual knowledge (foundations / theories/disciplinary knowledge) with the aim of acquiring knowledge specialised proficiency; and
• Contextual knowledge (aspects that endeavours to contextualise knowledge for occupational purposes, such as subject didactics and practical teaching) with the aim of acquiring task-specific proficiency.
The focus of this special issue is on research associated with the acquisition of contextual knowledge. Schools and schooling are continually changing. Therefore research is needed to assist teacher education providers in developing programmes suited to changing curricula and the contextual requirements of schools.


  1. Editorial
  2. B.J.J. (Kobus) Lombard • Views of a Cohort of South African Student Teachers on Feedback of Their Lesson Presentations during Teaching Practice
  3. B.A. Segoe and J.M. Dreyer • The Reliability of Mentor Assessments in Teaching Practice in an Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) Context
  4. Sarah Bansilal • An Exploration of the Assessment and Feedback Practices in a Practical Teaching Intervention for In-service Teachers
  5. Johanna G. Ferreira • Student Views of a Life Sciences Methodology Module Offered at a Distance Institution
  6. Lungi Sosibo • The Notion of School ‘Functionality’ in a Teaching-Practice Placement Policy
  7. J. Elsa Fourie and Une Fourie • Challenges in Teacher Education in South Africa: Do Teacher Educators and TeachersEffectively Prepare Student Teachers to Perform their Roles as Educators?
  8. Anne-Mari Dicker • Teaching Mathematics in Foundation Phase Multilingual Classrooms: Teachers’ Challenges and Innovations
  9. Nkidi Phatudi, Ina Joubert and Teresa Harris • Self-Reflective Practices during Teaching and Learning of an Undergraduate Literacy Module
  10. Thelma de Jager • Using a DVD to Illustrate Grade 12 Physical Sciences Experiments: A Teaching Aid to Support Learners
  11. C.P. Loubser • Students’ Views about the Inclusion of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability in Teacher Education Courses
  12. Babajide Gboyega Abidogun, Nkidi Phatudi, Ina Joubert and Cycil Hartell • Teachers’ Perceptions and Value of Yoruba as a Medium of Instruction in Primary 3 Classes
  13. J. M. Dreyer • Reliability of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessments for Teaching Practice Courses in Open Distance Electronic Learning (ODeL)
  14. Guide for Contributors
  15. List of Members of the Editorial Board

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