Human Body composition S.P. Singh (Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India) Rajan Gaur (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India) 2007 • Pages: 120 • Size: 180x240 • ISBN 81-85264-43-0 • Binding: Hard • Price: US $ 55/- Rs. 750/- (Human Ecology Special Issue No. 15) The present Special Issue of the Human Ecology is devoted to the studies of Human Body composition. The role of body composition is being increasingly appreciated because of the fact that numerous systemic diseases have a linkage with the deposition of excess fat. The distribution of body fat especially in the abdomen is referred to as a potent risk for disease. The gynoid and android fat distributions are also important risk predictors. Body Mass Index (Weight - kg /Height2 - meters) has widely been used by almost every country on the recommendations of World Health Organization to designate underweight, overweight and obesity.The papers presented in this issue explore numerous themes including the role of sitting height ratio to BMI and fatness; how physical activity changes body composition; familial resemblance in fatness and fat distribution; body composition, somatotype and growth types during childhood; secular trends in the adiposity and skinfold thicknesses of young people in developed countries; sexual dimorphism in BMI and dietary intake of thiamin; body composition during puberty; temporal trends of overweight among 9-11 year-old Australians; BMI in Hungarian youth during 20th century and blood pressure in relation to body composition. The issues and findings reported in this special issue are likely to stimulate the young minds and the scientific community alike. We hope this issue would be received warmly by every body who has interest in human body composition. CONTENTS Preface iii File]
List of Contributors vii
Barry Bogin and Nada Beydoun • The Relationship of Sitting Height Ratio to Body Mass Index and Fatness in the United States, 1988-1994 1-8
O. G. Eiben, G. A. Tóth and J. C. van Wieringen • Weight/Height2 Indices in Hungarian Youth During the Twentieth Century 9-16
S. Chen and A. Vieira • Body Mass Index and Dietary Intake of Thiamin: Evidence for a Sexually Dimorphic Relation 17-22
Esther Rebato, Itziar Salces, Aline Jelenkovic and Charles Susanne • Familial Resemblance in Fatness and Fat Distribution in Nuclear Families from Biscay (Basque Country) 23-29
Klaus-Peter Herm • Body Composition, Somatotype and Growth Type during Childhood 31-40
Tim Olds, Grant Tomkinson and Jim Dollman • Secular Trends in the Skinfold Thicknesses of Young People in Developed Countries 41-49 Éva B. Bodzsár and Annamária Zsákai • Changes in the Pattern of Body Components During Puberty 51-55
Jim Dollman and Amanda Pilgrim • Temporal Trends in the Prevalence and Extent of Overweight among 9-11 Year-Old Australians: 1985-2002 57-62
Elena Godina, Irena Khomyakova, Arsen Purundzhan, Ludmila Zadorozhnaya •
Some Differences in Body Composition in Moscow Adolescent Children
According to the Level of their Physical Activity: Comparison of
Anthropometric and Bioelectrical Impedance Methods of 63-74
Sharda Sidhu and Prabhjot • Blood Pressure and Body Composition in Healthy Adults 75-78
Rajan Gaur, Madhuri Mourya and Payal Kang Singh • Subcutaneous Fat and Lean Tissue Components in Rajput and Scheduled Caste Adolescents of a part of Sirmour District, Himachal Pradesh 79-90
Maria Kaczmarek • Variation in BMI in Middle-Aged Poles and Associated Demographic, Social and Lifestyle Factors 91-99
Dolly Monisha, S.P. Singh and A.K. Bhalla • Dynamics of Body Fat and Circumferences in Post Menopausal Women of Chandigarh, India 101-108
Index 109-111
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