Ecology, Culture, Nutrition, Health and Disease Kaushik Bose (Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India) 2006• Pages: 250• Size: 180x240• ISBN 81-85264-42-2 • Binding: Hard• Price: US $ 75/-Rs. 1450/- (Human Ecology Special
Issue No. 14)
Human health/disease has many dimensions. Human health/disease is influence by numerous variables; the primary determinants being ecological, cultural and nutritional factors. These factors are responsible for influencing the biological and social determinants of health and disease. The state of human health is an outcome of the interactions between these factors. The study of human health/disease is of paramount importance not only from the academic point of view but it also has immense applications as far as human development is concerned. Its study is of much interest to practitioners of many disciplines like anthropologists, physicians, epidemiologists, ecologists, health care workers, nutritionists, sociologists, and others. This special issue contains 22 papers spread over three units from contributors from varied disciplines from different regions of the world. It is hoped that the wide diversity of subject matter discussed in these chapters will be of much interest to anthropologists, human biologists, medical professionals, health care workers, psychologists and sociologists. CONTENTS Unit – I: ECOLOGY, CULTURE, HEALTH AND DISEASE Preface
1. C.S. Venter * Prebiotics for the Improvement of Human Health
2. Katerina O. Sarri, Siobhan Higgins and Anthony G. Kafatos * Are Religions “Healthy”? A Review on Religious Recommendations on Diet and Lifestyle
3. Giorgio Bedogni, Paolo Brambilla, Stefano Bellentani and Claudio Tiribelli * The Assessment of Body Composition in Health and Disease
4. Bechuram Mondal, Vikal Tripathy and Ranjan Gupta * Risk Factors of Anaemia During Pregnancy Among the Garo of Meghalaya, India
5. Jane A. Pryer, Stephen Rogers and Ataur Rahman * Adult Illness in Dhaka Slum Households Unit – II: ecology, culture, nutrition and health6. Jonathan Wells * The Role of Cultural Factors in Human Breastfeeding: Adaptive Behaviour or Biopower ?
7. R. Khongsdier * Malnutrition, Social Inequality and Natural Selection in Human Populations
8. Rajeev Gupta, Priyanka Rastogi and Sanjeev Arora * Low Obesity and High Undernutrition Prevalence in Lower Socioeconomic Status School Girls: A Double Jeopardy
9. Kaushik Bose, Dilip Bhunia, Ganesh Paul, Ashish Mukhopadhyay and Raja Chakraborty * Age and Sex Variations in Undernutrition of Rural Bengalee Primary School Children of East Midnapore District, West Bengal, India
10. Vikal Tripathy, Kanhu Charan Satapathy and Ranjan Gupta * Nutritional Status and Hypertension Among Tibetan Adults in India
11. D. Agrahar-Murugkar * Interventions Using Wild Edibles to Improve the Nutritional Status of Khasi Tribal Women
12. Thandi Puoane, Princess Matwa, Hazel Bradley and Gail Hughes * Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Food Consumption Patterns in the Black African Population in an Urban Township in South Africa
13. Savvas C Savva * Anti-Inflammatory Effect of the Mediterranean Diet: An Overlooked Beneficial Association
14. Steven R. Hawks, Hala N. Madanat, Terisue Smith and M. Lelinneth B. Novilla * Motivation for Eating and the Nutrition Transition in the Philippines
15. Bettina Shell-Duncan and Thomas Mcdade * The Cultural Ecology of Iron Deficiency Among Northern Kenyan School children
16. Daniel P. Dunham, Agnes Czysczon, Noel Chávez, Julie Piorkowski and Victoria Persky * Dietary Differences Among Women Of Polish Descent in the United States by Country of Birth and Level of Education
17. Irena Colić Barić, Vesna Mihatov and Zvonimir Šatalić * Differences in Breakfast Consumption Among Schoolchildren from Four Geographical Regions in Croatia
18. Laura Calderon * University Students’ Risk for Disordered Eating Unit – III: ecology, anthropometry and health
19. Samiran Bisai, Amitava Sen, Dilip Mahalanabis, Nandini Datta and Kaushik Bose * The Effect of Maternal Age and Parity on Birth Weight Among Bengalees of Kolkata, India
20. Monika Blössner, Mercedes De Onis and Ricardo Uauy * Estimating Stunting from Underweight Survey Data
21. Arnab Ghosh * Variation in Measures of Circumference and Skinfold by Age and Gender Among the Elderly Bengalee Hindus of Kolkata, India
22. Alison M. Mcmanus * The Influence of Vehicular Traffic Upon Physical Activity in Children
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