Thank you for deciding to submit your paper to a Peer-reviewed Scientific and Research international journal. Please make sure that you have satisfied the points on following checklist before submitting your manuscript. If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact
Prepare the manuscript as per style of the journal.
Read the detailed Instructions for Contributors/Guide for Contributors.
Ø Provide the contact details of at least three potential peer reviewers for your paper. These should be experts in your field of study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript's quality. Any peer reviewers that you suggest should not be members of the same research institution. They should not be one of the Editorial advisers for the journal, unless they work precisely in your field.
Ø The paper may also be sent to others for review in addition to the list of Referees provided by the corresponding author.
Ø Full Name:
Ø Present Status:
Ø Field of Specialisation:
Ø Complete Name and Address of Institute/Department/University:
Ø E-mail addresses:
Ø This journal uses a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer’s and author’s identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
Ø Do you confirm that all the authors of the manuscript have read and agreed to its content, that readily reproducible materials described in the manuscript will be freely available to any scientist wishing to use them for non-commercial purposes? Do you confirm that the manuscript is original, has not already been published in a journal and is not currently under consideration by another journal?
Ø Any Region, Race/Ethnic Group, Religion, Class, Caste etc.
Ø © To reproduce copyright material
Ø Author should not use any copyright material (Figure/Tables etc.) in the paper. However he/she may write about that in the form of text in the paper
Ø Main Manuscript: MS Word
Ø Size: A 4 Size
Ø Text in column: Single
Ø Font: Times New Roman
Ø Font size: 12 pt.
Ø Space in between Lines: 11/2
Ø Tables: Tables should be at the end of the text after the list of References.
Ø Figures: Figures should be at the end of the text after the list of References.
Ø Send the figure in JPG form separately (not in MSWORD and or PDF format) `for final processing
Ø Figures/Tables: Refer each Table/Figure in the text
Ø Always provide complete address of the working place (Department/University/ Institute/City/ Code No. /Country)
Ø Prepare the paper in 12 pt. Times new roman, 12 pt. Font, give 1 ½ space in between the lines
Ø Format the full paper as per style of the journal
Ø No bullet etc. Signs format in the text
Ø Prepare the paper as per format of the journal (INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES/ MATERIAL AND METHODS/ RESUTS- cite figure and table no. In the text/ DISCUSSION/ CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATIONS –don’t cite any reference under these last two headings/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/ NOTES before the LIST OF REFERENCES/ REFERENCES/ Give All the Tables and Figures in the End after References/ Provide Figures in JPG Form/
Ø Provide Abbreviated Title (Running Head) of the Paper: it should be a brief of the title to be printed with alternative page no. of the paper.
Ø About Running Head: In the paper after the first printed page every alternative pages of the paper, on the top with Page No. there is the Name of the title in brief.
Ø Provide only 5-6 keywords and they should not be a repeat of the terms used in the article title
Ø Avoid abbreviations as keywords
Ø Write keywords alphabetically
Ø The abstract should consist of 100-150 words. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should succinctly state the objectives, the experimental design of the paper, and the principal observations and conclusion; it should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper.
Ø Do not cite any reference and avoid quotes in the abstract.
Prepare the paper as per format of the journal (check the attached file for format)
Ø Check and use the fonts for the-
Ø Sub-Headings (Upper Lower Bold Font) /
Ø Sub-Sub Headings (Upper Lower Italics Bold Font) and
Ø Sub-Sub-Sub Heading (Upper Lower Italics Font)
Ø Give full name for each abbreviation and avoid them for & etc.
Ø Please check the statistical symbols carefully or use name of the symbol
Ø Review specific and recent literature on the topic of research, to give convincing rationale behind the importance of studying of the present topic of research and may not be quite lengthy.
Ø Don’t use text book basic material
Ø Give the objectives of the study in brief and under separate sub-heading
Ø Do not give sign of bullets/dots etc. In the text
Ø The methodology section should present explain methods used precisely.
Ø Give when were data collected? What questions were used?
Ø If an article is not based on any data but a desktop publication as there’s no data collected. However, the author should give explanations about methodology adopted.
Ø The results section should present all the findings and explain findings; simply inserting tables is not enough.
Ø Comment on the table.
Ø Present both quantitative and qualitative data in this section.
Ø Do not start a sentence with digits/figures, write in words
Ø In the text write % in words (percent) except in brackets and tables
Ø Evaluate the observations more critically with recent studies (need to update with recent sources) reported on the topic of research.
Ø It should be concise and reiterate the key discussion points. Streamline and make it more compact
Ø Don’t cite any reference under this head
Ø Give recommendations of the study under separate heading, make it streamline and more compact.
Ø Don’t cite any reference under this head
Ø It should be brief
Ø Don’t cite any reference under this head
Ø Keep all the footnotes in the end before the list of references
Ø Provide in English for readers who do not know the meaning of words of used in any other language. Put these under the head appendix in the end of the text
Ø Check do not give number either in the text or in the list of References in the end
Ø List only those REFERENCES in the end which are cited in the text
Ø These should be listed at the end of article, arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors and then chronologically. Following are examples of the proper reference style of various sources but while listing there should not be any separate subheading/s for Journals/ Books/ Newspapers/ Magazines etc. Avoid using IBID and OP. CIT. in the text.
Ø Journals:
Chopra VP 1983. Population structure of the Indian people. Some microevoluntary aspects. Anthrop Anz, 41: 111-117.
Ø Books:
Bhasin MK 1988. Biology of the People of Indian Region. A Classified and Comprehensive Bibliography (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). Delhi: Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
Ø Sections of Books:
Bhasin MK, Bhasin V 2001. Ecology and health: The Indian scenario. In: Veena Bhasin Vinay K Srivastava, MK Bhasin (Eds.): Human Ecology in the New Millennium. Delhi: Kamla-Raj Enterprises, pp. 43-82.
Ø Newspaper / Magazine:
Bhasin Veena 1982. Ecology and Gaddi Culture. Hindustan Times, Weekly, August 29, 1982, P. 9.
Ø Radio/Television Talk:
Bhasin Veena 1986. Radio Talk - Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh. All India Radio ‘Yuv Vani’ - 1st July, 1986.
Ø Meeting Paper:
Bhasin V, Bhasin MK, Singh IP 1978. Some problems in the education of Gaddis of Bharmour, Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh. Paper presented in Seminar on Education and Social Change in Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) in H.P. University, Shimla, November 13 to 16, 1978.
Ø Report:
UNESCO 1974. Report of an Expert Panel on MAB Project 6: Impact of Human Activities on Mountain and Tundra Ecosystems. MAB Report Series No. 14, Paris: UNESCO.
Ø Thesis / Dissertation:
Bhasin Veena 1981. Ecological Influence on the Socio-cultural System of the Gaddis of Bharmour Sub-Tehsil, Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh. Ph. D. Thesis, Unpublished. Delhi: University of Delhi.
Ø Work “in press”:
Bhasin Veena 2004. Economic pursuits and strategies of survival among Damor of Rajasthan. J Hum Ecol, (In Press).
Ø Website:
Official Home Page of Work and Income New Zealand 2004. From <> (Retrieved on 18 March 2004).
When there are more than three authors use et al. in place of rest of the authors.
Ø Check the List of References carefully and arrange them as per style of the journal as follow:
Ø Do not put NUMBER before any Reference
Ø Do not give sign of bullets/dots etc. In the text
Ø Do not give any separate subheading/s for Journals/Books/Newspapers, Magazines/Websites etc.
Ø Do not use COMMA, FULL STOP in an individual name,
Ø Do not place AND when there are two or more than two authors,
Ø Do not place use et al. (NOT IN ITALICS) when there are more than two authors, i. e., Give names of all the Authors, however you may use et al. After listing at least first three authors,
Ø Place the YEAR of publication after the authors before the title of the paper, when using abbreviations for the title of the journal than do not use FULL STOP,
Ø After the name of the journal put COMMA and give VOLUME NO. Than COLON and PAGE NUMBERS.
Ø Internet references should be mentioned when retrieved on;
Ø Do not use OP. CIT.
Ø Check do not give number either in the text or in the list of References in the end
Ø References citations in the text should be in parentheses and include author name(s) and year of publication.
Ø Text citations of two or more works at the time should be given in chronological order.
Ø When citing a paper written by three or more authors, write the name of the first author plus “et al.” (However, all authors must be given in the Reference section).
Ø Where there are two or more papers by the same author in one year, distinguishing letter (a, b, c....) should be added to year.
Ø Write only Family Name/Caste and not first or middle name except when there is more than one author with the same Family Name/Caste than to differentiate among them use first and/or middle name.
Ø All references should be carefully cross-checked; it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that references are correct.
Ø List only those REFERENCES in the end which are cited in the text
Ø Do not cite any reference in the Abstract, Conclusion, Recommendations and Limitation
Ø Do not use IBID and OP. CIT. in the text.
Ø When there is one authors’ cited for an observation/evaluation than arrange it as follow
For example: Coale (1965) or Khakhar and Gulati (2000) or Dey et al. (2008)
Ø When there are more than one authors cited for an observation/evaluation than arrange them according to the year of publication and do not put comma before the year and place semi colon after the year
For example: (Coale 1965; De Jong 1974; Gulati 1996; Khakhar and Gulati 2000; Dey et al. 2008; Sharma 1997)
Ø When there are more than one cited references in an observation/evaluation which are published in the same year than arrange the list of authors alphabetically
For example: (Bhasin et al. 2007; Boon et al. 2007; Regassa 2007; Singh et al. 2007)
Ø Delete only comma before the year in all the references cited in the text
Ø Delete comma after et al., (et al. Not in italics) and put only full stop after et al. In the cited references in the text
Ø Put comma after the year instead of semi-colon when all the cited references are of the same author/s
Ø Put semi-colon instead of comma in between the authors after the year in all the cited references.
Ø Put colon after year when citing page no. In the text
Ø Do not use website as a reference in the text. Give the name of the author/s and year only
As per policy of the journal, author should not use any copyright material (Figure/Tables etc.) In the paper. However he/she may write about that in the form of text in the paper
Ø Give number to each table in the paper. Start the number from one onwards and use numbers in Arabic (1, 2, 3…)
Ø Table titles should be complete
Ø Table should either in the end after the references or after the text of the table
Ø Don’t use above/below in the text for the table
Ø Use decimal sign instead of comma in statistical values
Ø Write all percentages in one decimal place in all the Tables in the text (for example 25.3 or 25.33)
Ø Do not submit any scan table with the paper (send only Typed Tables)
Ø All the tables must be in black & white and without any background
Ø While the Tables clearly present the data, it is unnecessary to adopt whole questionnaire items as description for variables. The authors may wish to abbreviate the variables in smaller sentences that convey the same meaning
Ø All the tables must be prepared as per format of the journal
Ø Use Microsoft tool to draw yours Table and cite it in the text.
Ø Give number to each figure in the paper. Start the number from one onwards and use numbers in Arabic (1, 2, 3…)
Ø Figure title should be complete
Ø All the figures must be cited in the text.
Ø Figure should either in the end after the references or after the text of the figure
Ø Don’t use above/below in the text for the figure
Ø Delete the figure if table is there for that observations.
Ø Delete the Graphs and give the data in the form of tables for research paper. The graphs in the paper will be more suitable while presenting the findings in a seminar/conference, but not in the printed form
Ø Line drawing (Map/Graph etc.) Must be in Black & White only (without any background).
Ø Fill the bars or/and circles with dots and line only but not in light and dark shade
Ø Figure/s in line drawing and lettering on them must be clear and concise
Ø Check lettering and labels should be large enough to allow for suitable reduction and readable after reduction.
Ø Send the figure in JPG form only separately (not in MSWORD format of in PDF) for final processing
Ø Permission to publish photograph of a subject:
Include the copy of the consent of the parents of the subject which permits the authors to publish the photograph of the subject, and also cover both the eyes also cover both the eyes and also nose bridge to make the figure appear better.
Ø Get the paper check from a Professional English Language Editor to avoid typo errors
Ø Use the word paper instead of article or study
Ø Use the words the researcher/s instead of i/we
Ø Paragraphs should be of reasonable sizes – not too big.
Ø Use concise sentences.
Ø Don’t start a sentence with digits/figures, write in words
Ø Use that is for i.e.; for example for e.g.; and for & in the text
Ø Do not use op. cit., ibid etc. in the text
Ø Please note that always use English Alphabet of the English Language in the complete text
Ø Italicize the local words
Ø Provide in English for readers who do not know the meaning of words of used in any other language. Put these under the Head Appendix in the end of the text
Ø To avoid delay in processing the paper, get the paper checked through plagiarism detection software (for example Crossref Similarity/ iThenticate /Turnitin/Academic Paradigms, LLC-Check For Plagiarism /Grammarly-Plagiarism Checker among others)
Ø Plagiarism Checker URKUND-URKUND.COM
Ø Plagiarism Detector reserved for teaching staff only
Ø Free Plagiarism Checker for Students Online at
1. Similarity Index - PLAGIARISM RATING 5% - 10%: Low risk about the document contains any plagiarised material.
2. Similarity Index - PLAGIARISM RATING 11% - 25%: Medium risk about the document contains any plagiarised material.
3. Similarity Index - PLAGIARISM RATING 25%+: High risk about the document contains plagiarised material.