Peoples of Himalayas


SHAMPA NAG AND M. K. BHASIN (University of Delhi, Delhi, India)

2002 • Pages: 200• Size: 180 × 240 mm •

ISBN 81-85264-31-7 • Binding: Hard •

Price: US $ 65/- Rs. 950/-

Dem People J K

The relationship between human beings and their environment is always dynamic. The assertion requires a systematic study of the changing relationship between the environment and the demographic, adaptive and anthropological structure of human populations. Here, it needs to be emphasized that anthropodemographic studies of Himalayan region are few, and we should develop an integrated approach for a better understanding of the dynamics of interaction between human beings and their environment. The present study will contribute to an understanding of the ecological, demographic and anthropological aspects of People of Jammu and Kashmir. Needless to state, the integrated perspective is undoubtedly superior to a piecemeal treatment for it offers sound insights into the working of various phenomena. Moreover, it helps us in bridging the gap between demography and anthropology.



  1. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 1. Population Structure by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  2. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 2. Estimates, Trends and Differentials in Fertility by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  3. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 3. Estimates, Trends and Differentials in Mortality by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  4. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 4. Selection Intensity by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  5. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 5. Family Planning by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  6. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 6. Regression Analyses by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG
  7. Demography of the People of Jammu and Kashmir 7. Summay by M.K. BHASIN AND SHAMPA NAG

Index •

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