Social Sciences


FATOS TARIFA (University of North Corolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

1998 • Pages: 134 • Size: 180 × 240 mm •

Binding: Hard • Price: US $ 60/- Rs. 1200/-

(Special Issue of Journal of Social Sciences - No. 2)

Open Ended Hist

The massive changes that have taken place in Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union since the collapse of Communism have given rise to a vast literature on post-communist transformation produced by numerous East European scholars as well as by an astonishingly large number of westerns scholars, sociologists, economists, political scientists, constitutionalists, social philosophers, historians, and also politicians, writers, journalists etc. With contributions by a number of distinguished social scientists, this volume provides a fresh look on a variety of topics-many of them neglected or under-researched in previous research-informing important conceptual, theoretical and methodological insights on post-communist transition and more generally, on social Revolutionary change.



  1. Fatos Tarifa (USA) • Disparities and Uncertainties: Reflections on Communist and Post-Communist Eastern Europe
  2. Wolf Heydebrand (USA) • On the Transformation of "Unresponsive" Societies: The Case of State Socialism
  3. Steven Peaff (USA) • The Theory of Civil Society and the East German Revolution: Movements, Protest, and the Process of Political Change
  4. Christiane Lemake (Germany) • Contentious Actions in Comparative Perspective: Is East Germany a Special Case?
  5. Barbara Heyns (USA) • Meaning and Measurement in the Post-Communist Labor Market: Employment and Unemployment in Poland, 1992-1996
  6. Lynne Haney (USA) • The Creation of a Discretionary Welfare State: Professionalization and the Politics of Welfare Reform in Hungary
  7. Georg Vobruba (Germany) • The Social Dynamic of Welfare Gaps: Prolegomena to the Transnationalization of Sociology
  8. Ken Palmer (USA) • Post-Communist Barriers to Democracy and Democratic Political Culture: The Case of Poland
  9. Anthony Oberschall (USA) • Collective Violence in Bosnia
  10. Fatos Tarifa1 and Bas De Gaay Fortman2 (1. USA, 2. The Netherlands) • Vulnerable Democracies: The Challenge of Legitimacy of Post-Communist Systems

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