Eminent scholars are members of the Editorial Board of the Journal. All these members have given their consent to be a Member of the Editorial Board of the journal. The brief information (that is, Name with The Present Status, Field of Specialization, Postal Address, Telephone/ Mobile Numbers) of the Members of the Editorial Boards is available here.



Dr. Veena Bhasin


Professor (Retired), University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Field of Specialisation: Ecological Anthropology, Medical Anthropology

Address: B-2 (GF), South City II, Gurgaon 122 002, Haryana, India

Telephone/Mobile: 091-124-4361430 (R)

E-mail: veenabhasin.ggn@gmail.com



Dr. Vinod Chandra

Associate Professor & Head, Department of Sociology

Field of Specialisation: Sociology of Youth, Sociology of Childhood, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Developing Societies, Research Methodology

Address: Department of Sociology, J N Post Graduate (University of Lucknow), Station Road, Charbagh, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

Telephone/Mobile: 091-0522-2635563; (O)/ 091-0522-3915333 (R); 09415189200

E-mail: vchandra009@gmail.com

Postal Address: Dr Vinod Chandra, 204, Landmark Apartment, New Hyderabad, Lucknow 226 007, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA



Dr. Kalpana Hiralal

Field of Specialisation: Women and Gender Studies, Ethnicity and Diaspora studies, Women, empowerment and the Informal sector

Address: Department of History, School of Anthropology Gender and Historical Studies, Room 218 MTB Building, Howard College, University of Kwazulu/Natal, South Africa

Telephone/Mobile: 27-031-266-8652; 076-1647424

E-mail: hiralalk@ukzn.ac.za



Dr. S. Sampath Kumar

Professor & Head
Address: Department of Sociology and Population Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046 Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Telephone/Mobile: 0422-2428453

E-mail: drsampathkumar.buc.edu.in, drsampathsrinivasan@gmail.com, swakanish@gmail.com



Dr. Managay Reddi

Dean: Faculty of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Field of Specialisation: Gender Issues; Criminal Law; and International Criminal Law

Address: Howard College Building, Howard College Campus, King George V Avenue, Glenwood, Durban, 4001, South Africa

Telephone/Mobile: +27 31 260 3399 (O); +27 31 467 3255 (R)

E-mail: reddim@ukzn.ac.za



Dr. Victor N. Shaw

Professor of Sociology

Professor of Criminology and Justice Studies

Field of Specialisation: Crime, Deviance, Social Control, Organizational Behavior, Higher Education, Academic Careers, and Public Policy

Address: Department of Criminology and Justice Studies, California State University-Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, CA 91330-8457, USA

Telephone/Mobile: 818-677-2117/818-677-7311

E-mail: victor.shaw@csun.edu



Dr.  Shanta Balgobind Singh


Academic Leader-Criminology and Forensic Studies

Field of Specialisation: Criminology and Forensic Studies

Address: Department of Criminology and Forensic Studies, Room F 182, First Floor, MTB, School of Sociology and Social Studies, Howard Campus, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, Durban 4000, SOUTH AFRICA

Telephone/Mobile: +27-031-2607895; +27-836925817

E-mail: singhsb@ukzn.ac.za

Postal Address: Prof.  Shanta Balgobind Singh, Po Box 2238, Verulam, 4340, SOUTH AFRICA



Dr. Kara Somerville

Field of Specialisation: International Migration and Transnationalism

Address: Department of Sociology 1019-9 Campus University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5A5

Telephone/Mobile: 306-966-7437

E-mail: kara.somerville@usask.ca



Dr. Goolam Vahed


Field of Specialisation: Religion in the Lives of Migrants;   Immigrant and Transnational Culture; and Ethnicity, Sport and Society; Indian Diaspora in South Africa

Address: Department of Historical Studies, MTB 211, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, King George V Ave, Durban, 4000, KZN, SOUTH AFRICA

Telephone/Mobile: 27-31-2607494 (O); 27-31-2075023 (R)

E-mail: vahedg@ukzn.ac.za