For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration submit it via e-mail to: kre@airtelmail.in
The manuscripts are categorised under three types
◙ Regular Articles
◙ Short Communications
◙ Reviews
Prepare the manuscript as per style of the Journal. Manuscripts which do not fully confirm to Journal style will be returned to the Authors.
1. Title Page, 2. Key words, 3. Abstract, 4. Text, 5. Acknowledgement (if any), 6. Footnotes, 7. References, 8. Tables, 9. Figures/Illustrations, 10. Appendix (if any), 11. Metric System, 12. Symbols.
The Title Page Must Contain:
◙ Title
◙ Author’s Name (or Names)
◙ Institution from which the paper emanated, with City, State, Country, Postal code, and E-mail Address
◙ Number of Text Pages, plus References, Figures, Graphs, Charts, and Tables
◙ Abbreviated Title (Running Headline) not to exceed 50 letters and spaces
◙ Name, Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, and E-mail Address of the Person to whom all the correspondence is to be addressed.
Keywords should be included, should not repeat terms used in the article title, and should not exceed 80 characters and spaces.
The abstract should consist of 100-150 words or less. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should succinctly state the objectives, the experimental design of the paper, and the principal observations and conclusions; it should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper.
4. TEXT:
◙ Don’t divide words at the ends of lines; if they are unfamiliar to the printer, they may be incorrectly hyphenated.
◙ Don’t begin sentences with abbreviations.
◙ The word ‘Figure” is not abbreviated in the text, except when it appears in parentheses: (Fig. 2) (Figs. 4-6).
◙ The spelling of nontechnical terms should be that recommended in the current Webster’s International Dictionary.
◙ Always spell out numbers when they stand as the first word in a sentence; do not follow such numbers with abbreviations.
◙ Numbers indicating time, weight, and measurements are to be in Arabic numerals when followed by abbreviations (e.g., 5 mm; 4 sec; 9 ml)
◙ Use italic font for text that is to be italicized.
The acknowledgement should be written in complete sentences.
Footnote text should be placed as Endnotes before the List of references.
Footnotes to a table should be typed directly beneath the table and numbered with superscripts.
References in the Text: References citations in the text should be in parentheses and include author name(s) and year of publication. Text citations of two or more works at the time should be given in chronological order. When citing a paper written by three or more authors, write the name of the first author plus “et al.” (However, all authors must be given in the Reference section). Where there are two or more papers by the same author in one year, distinguishing letter (a, b, c....) should be added to year. All references should be carefully cross-checked; it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that references are correct.
In the text, references to the literature should be cited by author’s surname followed by year of publication:
……studies by Sanghvi (1978) reveal………..
……studies by Bhasin and Fuhrmann (1972) reveal………..
……studies by Bhasin et al. (1973) reveal ……………..
……an earlier report (Haldane 1940) ……………..
When more than one author is cited, the listing should be first alphabetical by name and then chronological by date:
……...earlier reports (Bhasin et al. 1992, 1993; Walter et al. 1993)………
When references are made to more than one paper by the same author, published in the same year, they should be designated in the text as (Bhasin and Khanna 1992a,b)
Bhasin MK, Khanna Asha 1992a. Serological variations among two tribal groups of Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India. J Hum Ecol, 3: 151-154.
Bhasin MK, Khanna Asha 1992b. Distribution of blood groups among the Bodhs, Baltis and Tibetans of Jammu and Kashmir, India. J Hum Ecol, 3: 163-166.
References should be listed at the end of article, arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors and then chronologically. Following are examples of the proper reference style of various sources:
Bose Kaushik 2005. Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of adolescents of Kolkata, West Bengal. J Hum Ecol, 18(3): 213-216.
Bhasin MK 1988. Biology of the People of Indian Region. A Classified and Comprehensive Bibliography (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). Gurugram: Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
Sections of Books:
Bhasin MK, Walter H, Danker-Hopfe H 1994. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and abnormal haemoglobins (HB S and HB E) in people of India. In: Veena Bhasin (Ed.): People Health and Disease: The Indian Scenario. Gurugram: Kamla-Raj Enterprises, pp. 131-159.
Meeting Paper:
Bhasin MK 2003. Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India. Paper presented in the Seminar on Peopling of India at Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Kolkata, March 19 – 20.
UNESCO 1974. Report of an Expert Panel on MAB Project 6: Impact of Human Activities on Mountain and Tundra Ecosystems. MAB Report Series No. 14, Paris: Unesco.
Thesis / Dissertation:
Bhasin MK 1967. A Genetic Survey among Newars of Nepal. Ph. D. Thesis, Unpublished. Delhi: University of Delhi.
Work “in press”:
Bhasin MK, Shil Anu Prabha, Sharma Madhu Bala 2008. Biology of the people of Sikkim: Comparative evaluation of growth patterns among different caste and tribal groups of Sikkim. J Hum Ecol, (in press).
Fattovich R 2008. The development of urbanism in the Northern Horn of Africa in ancient and Medieval Times.From <http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/BOOK/fattowich.pdf> (Retrieved on 19 February 2008).
When there are more than three authors use et al. in place of rest of the authors
The References list must be arranged alphabetically by Author’s or Authors’ Surname(s) and chronologically for each author, in the following style:
Author’s Name (or Names), Year of Publication, Complete Title, Volume, and inclusive Pages as follows:
Bhasin MK 1967. A Genetic Survey among Newars of Nepal. Ph. D. Thesis, Unpublished. Delhi: University of Delhi.
Bhasin MK 1988. Biology of the People of Indian Region. A Classified and Comprehensive Bibliography (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). Gurugram: Kamla-Raj Enterprises.
Bhasin MK 2003. Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India. Paper presented in the Seminar on Peopling of India at Central Forensic Science Laboratory. Kolkata, March 19 – 20.
Bhasin MK, Walter H, Danker-Hopfe H 1994. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and abnormal haemoglobins (HB S and HB E) in people of India. In: Veena Bhasin (Ed.): People Health and Disease: The Indian Scenario. Gurugram: Kamla-Raj Enterprises pp.131-159.
Bhasin MK, Shil Anu Prabha, Sharma Madhu Bala 2008. Biology of the people of Sikkim: Comparative evaluation of growth patterns among different caste and tribal groups of Sikkim. J Hum Ecol, (in press).
Bose, Kaushik 2005. Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of adolescents of Kolkata, West Bengal. J Hum Ecol, 18(3): 213-216.
Fattovich R 2008. The development of urbanism in the Northern Horn of Africa in ancient and Medieval Times. From <http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/BOOK/fattowich.pdf> (Retrieved on 19 February 2008).
UNESCO 1974. Report of an Expert Panel on MAB Project 6: Impact of Human Activities on Mountain and Tundra Ecosystems. MAB Report Series No. 14, Paris: Unesco.
◙ Give number to each table in the paper. Start the number from one onwards and use numbers in Arabic (1, 2, 3…)
◙ Table title should be complete
◙ All the tables must be cited in the text.
◙ Table should be either in the end after the references or after the text
◙ Don’t use above/below in the text for the table
◙ Write all percentages in one decimal place in all the Tables in the text (for example 25.3 or 25.33)
◙ Do not submit any scan table with the paper (send only Typed Tables)
◙ All the tables must be in black & white and without any background
◙ While the Tables clearly present the data, it is unnecessary to adopt whole questionnaire items as description for variables.
◙ The authors may wish to abbreviate the variables in smaller sentences that convey the same meaning
◙ All the tables must be prepared as per format of the journal.
◙ Use Microsoft tool to draw yours Table and cite it in the text
◙ Give number to each figure in the paper. Start the number from one onwards and use numbers in Arabic (1, 2, 3…)
◙ Figure title should be complete
◙ All the figures must be cited in the text.
◙ Figure should be either in the end after the references or after the text of the figure
◙ Don’t use above/below in the text for the figure
◙ Delete the figure if table is there for that observations.
◙ Delete the figures and give the data in the form of tables for research paper. The figures in the paper will be more suitable while presenting the findings in a seminar/conference, but not in the printed form
◙ All the figures must be in black and white only (without any background).
◙ Fill the bars or/and circles with dots and line only but not in light and dark shade
◙ Figure/s in line drawing and lettering on them must be clear and concise
◙ Check lettering and labels should be large enough to allow for suitable reduction and readable after reduction.
◙ Send the figure in JPG form only separately (not in MSWORD format ofin PDF) for final processing
◙ Permission to publish photograph of a subject:
◙ Include the copy of the consent of the parents of the subject which permits the authors to publish the photograph of the subject, and also cover both the eyes and also nose bridge to make the figure appear better.
The Appendix should be avoided if possible.
The metric system should be used for all measurements, weight, etc. Temperatures should always be expressed in degrees Celsius (centigrade). Metric abbreviations, as listed below, should be expressed in lower-case without periods.
Length: km (kilometer); m (meter); cm (centimeter); mm (millimeter); μm (micrometer) (micron); nm (nanometer); pm (picometer); Å (Ångstrom unit) (10Å=1 nm).
Area: km2 (square kilometer); m2 (square meter), mm2 (square centimeter); nm2 (square millimeter); μm2 (square micrometer); nm2(square nanometer); km3 (cubic kilometer); m3 (cubic meter); cm3 (cubic centimeter); mm3 (cubic millimeter); μm3 (cubic micrometer); nm3 (cubic nanometer). Volume: kl (kiloliter); liter (always spell out); ml (milliliter); μl (microliter); nl (nanoliter); pl (picoliter).
Weight: kg (kilogram); gm (gram); mg (milligram); μg (microgram); ng (nanogram); pg (picogram).
When proceeded by a digit, the following symbols are to used: % percent; º for degree.
13. SIZE:
An article should not generally exceed twelve printed pages (18 double spaced typed pages of MS Word). The authors would be charged for additional pages, even if a longer article is accepted for publication. Reporting of frequency data may be accepted in the form of small report. Such reports should generally not exceed four pages, including tables/figures.
Each paper is screened (not reviewed) by the Member of the Editorial Board to check its suitability for favour of publication in the Peer-reviewed Scientific and Research international journal. If it is observed that it can be considered for publication than the Corresponding Author is asked to complete the initial formalities.
Paper is sent to the three Referees (who are specialized in the field of the topic of Research Paper) with the Referees’ Report Form for providing his/her comments in that form (BLIND REVIEW). The Referees are requested to provide their comments within six to eight week time period.
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Crossref similarity check-iThenticate).
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Book Reviews are solicited by the Editor/Managing Editor. Unsolicited reviews will not ordinarily be considered for publication. A book review should begin by stating the Title, Author(s), Publisher, Date, Page Count, Price, and ISBN Number of the work reviewed:
Genetics of Caste and Tribes of India. By M.K. Bhasin and H. Walter. Gurugram: Kamla-Raj Enterprises. 2001. viii+516 pp., $60.00 (Hardbound). ISBN 81-85264-26-0
The review should include no other front matter (title, abstract, key words) headings, tables or illustrations. Bibliographical citations should be avoided if possible. The reviewer’s name and address should be placed at end of the review.
Announcements of general interest may be published without charge at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher. Submissions should consist of text only and be submitted exactly as they are to appear in print. Announcements concerning goods and services offered for sale will not be published gratis and must be submitted as advertising copy (For detail information write to the Publisher).
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1. Technical Notes, 2. Brief Communications, 3. Letters to the Editor
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These are very short, Methodological Articles
2. Brief Communication:
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3. Letters to the Editor:
A letter should be of general interest or a response to a previously published item. Letters normally should not be longer than 1500 words, and figures, tables, and literature cited should be avoided. An author on whose article the letter writer is commenting will be given an opportunity to read the letter, and to respond. If the two letters are acceptable, the reply is published immediately after the original letter, preferably in the same issue of the journal.
In all other respects, submissions under these three headings should follow the rules governing the preparation of copy and illustrations for research articles.
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