![]() PEER VICTIMIZATION IN SCHOOLS: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Oyaziwo Aluede (Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma-Nigeria), Adriana G. Mceachern and Maureen C. Kenny (Florida International University, Miami, USA) 2005 Pages: 88 Size: 180 Χ 240 mm Binding: Hard Price: US 55$ /- Rs. 750/- (Special Volume of Journal of Social Sciences No. 8) The special volume has an international focus, with researchers providing information on bullying around the world. there has been an unprecedented increase in the study of bullying among school children worldwide. The continuous study of bullying has become necessary because in spite of public exposure, therapeutic interventions, penalties, etc., incidents of bullying are increasing at an alarming rate in the past decade. This special volume is an effort to provide increased knowledge to readers/ practitioners about bullying, and prescribe better intervention strategies for its amelioration in the school system and society at large.
List of Contributors
Shelley Hymel, Natalie Rocke-Henderson, and Rina A. Bonanno Moral Disengagement: A Framework for Understanding Bullying Among Adolescents
Maureen C. Kenny and Adriana G. McEachern and Alucede Oyaziwo Female Bullying: Prevention and Counseling Interventions
Yegan Pillay Peer Victimization of African Children Orphaned by Aids: The Efficacy of the Memory Book
Bernard Moswela Peer Victimization in Schools: Response from Botswana
Marshalita Sims Peterson Peer Victimization: Creating a Culture for Learning and Safe Classroom Communities
Tanya Beran A New Perspective on Managing School Bullying: Pre-service Teachers Attitudes
Adriana G. McEachern, Maureen Kenny and Elizabeth Blake Bullying in Schools: International Variations
Ruth Bedell and Arthur M. Horne Bully Prevention in Schools: A United States Experience
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