DEEPAK KUMAR BEHERA (Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Orissa, India)

1998 • Pages: 280 • Size: 140 × 220 mm • Binding: Hard • ISBN 81-85264-19- 8 • Price: US $ 55/- Rs. 750/-

(A Special Publication Project of Journal of Social Sciences)

The volume emphasizes that we should begin to rethink our approaches to children and the issues relating to them in various contexts in our contemporary societies. This rethinking, a gesture of cognitive and political correctness, is consequent upon our understanding on childhood issues. The flaws, as will be apparent from the articles in the volume, consists mostly in the fact that the construction of childhood and its related issues as social categories of knowledge are the monopoly of the adults. This volume thus seeks to rectify the flaws by highlighting the basic disagreement between children’s perspectives on their own lives and that of the adults on children’s lives. What it tries to do is the reconstruction of childhood specifically through children’s notion of self-identity. The volume underpins the ideas that children must be regarded as social actors and their rights must be based on the views they themselves have on various issues and conditions that affect them. Some contributors to the volume critically examine various approaches to childhood research. Topics investigated by the contributors are: childhood research, children’s well-being, children’s identity, childhood and social space, children as social actors, children in cyber environment, children with special problems, children’s competency, children’s rights, childhood politics, children and criminal justice, etc. The volume is important both for analytical and policy related reasons.



Deepak Kumar Behera (India) • Children and Childhood on Our Contemporary Society: An Introduction

Ivar Frønes (Norway)
The Social Structuration of Childhood: An Essay on Childhood and Society

Asher Ben-Arieh (Israel)
The Need for Monitoring and Measuring Young Children’s Well-Being

Doris Bühler-Niederberger (Germany)
The Separative View - Is there any Scientific Approach of Children

Brian Strand Milne (UK)
Our Children are Missing: On the Recent Appearence of Childhood as a Research Topic

Lucia Rabello De Castro (Brazil)
Consumer Culture and Children’s Identities

Chris Jenks (UK)
Childhood and Social Space Examples from the UK

Greta Dermendjieva (Bulgaria)
Children in Cyber Environment

Alan Prout (UK) Studying Children as Social Actors: A New Programme of Childhood Research in the UK


Helen Penn (UK) • Rationales for Early Childhood Development Programmes

Phillip D. Jaffé, Francisco Pons and Hélène Rey Wicky (Switzerland)
Detained with their Mothers: Psychological Implication for the Child

Priscilla Alderson (UK)
Understanding, Wisdom and Rights: Assessing Children’s Competence

Cynthia Price Cohen (USA)
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Relevance for Indigenous Children

Andrew West (UK)
Family, Identity, and Children’s Rights: Notes on Children and Young People Outside the Family

Heinz Sünker (
Germany) Violence, Children’s Rights and Childhood Politics

Gurova (
Bulgaria) The Rights of the Child in Bulgaria: Myth and Reality

Johan Prinsloo (
South Africa) Children and the Criminal Justice in South Africa


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