Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopatheies ANJU
Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, 2003 Pages: 104. Size: 180x240 Binding: Hard Price: US $ 35/-Rs. 850/- (Special Issue of
International Journal of Human Genetics) Hemoglobinopathies
comprise a very large number of genetic biochemical/ physiological entities,
most of which are academic curiosities whose major effect on medicine is to
add to the surfeit of useless scientific information. However, several of
these conditions (e.g., sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin SC disease, and some thalassemias) are common major life-threatening diseases.
In the present special issue of Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopatheies, some topics are being
discussed by experts in different subjects of the field. It is hoped that it
will open up new
fields of research in human genetics. CONTENTS
Anju Gupta and Sarita Agarwal Navigating the Course of Sea of Blood a Preface V.
K. Kashyap and R. Ashma
Microsatellite Diversity in HbS Carrier and Individuals of Tribal Populations of Malaria
Infested Regions Suraksha
Agrawal Stem
Cell Transplantation in Thalassemia R.
S. Balgir, R. K. Mishra and
B. Murmu
Clinical and Hematological Profile of Gurjeewan
Garewal and Reena Das
Spectrum of
Mutations in Punjabis Nitu
Nigam, Nirupama Munshi , Manish Patel and Alka Soni Distribution of
b Bani
Gajra , Shila Chakrabarti, Bani Sengupta, Madhusnata De, Sanjeeb Mukherjee
and Geeta Talukder
Prevention of
Major and Anita
Saxena Growth Retardation in Thalassemia Major Patients Anita
Nadkarni, A. Gorakshakar, K. Ghosh, Roshan Colah and D. Mohanty Contribution of Genetic Factors in
Variation of Clinical Severity Among Siblings with Seema
Tyagi, M. Kabra, N.
Tandon, R.
Saxena, H. P. Pati and
V. P. Choudhry Clinico-Haematological
Profile of Thalassemia Intermedia
Patients Yukio Hattori,
Yasuhiro Yamashiro, Naoko Kozue Okano,
Hazuki Yamauchi, Youji
Ishida and Shinichiro
Characteristics of Japanase Thalassemia
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