A LABORATORY MANUAL FOR HUMAN BLOOD ANALYSIS M.K. BHASIN ( S.M.S. CHAHAL ( With a Foreword by: S. C. TIWARI First Printed: 1996 • Reprinted: 2013 • Pages: 351 • Size: 180 x 240 mm • ISBN 81-85264-12-0 •Binding : Hard • Price: US $ 45/- Rs. 1450/- The “Laboratory Manual for
Human Blood Analysis” is a unique textbook. It is “must be” for all
laboratories, in which the genetic blood group systems of man are analysed. This “Laboratory Manual” does not offer only
excellent possibilities to the beginner to become familiar with the multifaced experimental and statistical methods employed
in serological population genetics, but is also an excellent laboratory
reference book for the advanced scholar. That is why one wish
a broad distribution of this book. There is no doubt that in future the
“Laboratory Manual” will become the Standard Text and Reference Book to all
those who in research or in practice wish to work or are already working in the
field of the genetic markers of the human
Human blood studies,
both theoretical and practical, are an integral part of curricula of varied
disciplines - Medical Sciences, Biological Anthropology, Zoology, Forensic
Science, Genetics, Life Sciences, Human Biology, but there seems to be great
paucity of books covering laboratory techniques. The present book covers the
latest techniques, giving their description and methods of execution in lucid
terms. The book has thirteen chapters: CONTENTS
02. Technique for
Blood Cell Examinations
03. Haemoglobins
05. Techniques in Blood Grouping
08. Techniques in
10. Red Cell Enzyme
Glossary, Bibliography and Index
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