of the People of SHAMPA
NAG AND M. K. BHASIN ( 2002 • Pages: 200• Size: 180 × 240 mm • Binding: Hard • ISBN 81-85264-31-7 • Price: US $ 65/- Rs. 950/- The
relationship between human beings and their environment is always dynamic.
The assertion requires a systematic study of the changing relationship
between the environment and the demographic, adaptive and anthropological
structure of human populations. Here, it needs to be emphasized that anthropodemographic studies of Himalayan region are few,
and we should develop an integrated approach for a better understanding of
the dynamics of interaction between human beings and their environment. The
present study will contribute to an understanding of the ecological,
demographic and anthropological aspects of People of CONTENTSPreface Demography of the People of
by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of
in Fertility by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of
in Mortality by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of
by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of
by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Demography of the People of by m.k. bhasin and shampa nag Index
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