© Kamla-Raj 2005                                                                       Anthropologist, 7(2): 153-160  (2005)



Livelihood Challenges and Strategies: The Valmikis of Eastern Ghats*


K.E. Rajpramukh and P.D.S Palkumar


Department of Anthropology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003,

 Andhra Pradesh, India

E-mail: rajpramukh@yahoo.com


KEYWORDS Valmikis. Tribe. Strategies. Economic and Political Roles


Abstract Eastern Ghats are inhabited by numerous tribal groups. Prominent among them in the north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh are: Bagathas, Konda Doras, Jatapus, Savaras, Gadabas, Porjas, Khonds and Valmikis. Tribals usually have to constantly cope up with different trying situations exacerbated by scarcity of food, poverty, ill-health, lack of information and illiteracy etc., and they face these challenges working out their own strategies which are naïve in some instances and innovative in others. Valmiki is an interesting case in this context. Valmikis are placed at the lowest in the tribal hierarchy. They have a social status equivalent to that of the Dalits of the plains areas. Of late, they could progress astonishingly well in all areas of social and economic life much better than all the other neighboring tribes. Petty trade and Money lending business, which established a sound economic base for them, were to a large extent responsible for their phenomenal progress. With better economic status, they could improve their educational status and eventually started donning political roles. At present, with their emergence as leaders in different areas, they are even competing with the Bagathas, the dominant priestly tribe, in economic and political domains. This paper illustrates the success story of Valmikis, vis-à-vis other tribals, despite many structural disadvantages, over three generations bringing out the role of tribal values and attitudes in exploiting the resources available in their environment. The strategies adopted in this context are three fold viz., adhering to traditional roles and performances, building strong economic base through education and occupying political roles.


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