© Kamla-Raj 2005                                                                     Anthropologist, 7(2): 127-135   (2005)



Personality Dimension to University Campus Cult Membership


O. S. Elegbeleye


Department of Psychology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

E-mail: tobae2@yahoo.com


KEYWORDS Cultism. University Campus. Psychological Dimension. Behavioural Patterns. Students


Abstract In this paper, the definition of cultism in its different perspectives was given. The anthropological, sociological and psychological dimensions were explored. The paper highlighted specifically the various characteristics of a cult. A vivid description of the milling around and the intermingling of life on a University campus were espoused. Such interpersonal social relationship like this was implicated as being capable of giving vent to the building block of virile personality profile that characterizes behavioural patterns among students. In order to make a case for why students join cults, the chapter explores various personality problems, defense mechanisms and complexes. The chapter concluded by providing a rehabilitative model for cult members who have abandoned cultism.


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