© Kamla-Raj 2005                                                                               Anthropologist, 7(1): 35-40 (2005)



Comparison of the Level of Awareness of Family Planning

Measures in the Urban and Urban-slum Women


Hemla Aggarwal1,  Sumati Vaid2 and Nidhi Vaid3


1. Gandhi Nagar College for Women, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

2. P.G. Department of Home Science, University of Jammu, Jammu 180 006,

Jammu and Kashmir, India

3. P.G. Department of Computer Science, University of Jammu, Jammu 180 006,

Jammu and Kashmir, India


KEYWORDS Family. Urban. Slum. Women. Contraceptives


ABSTRACT The present study was done for the comparison of the level of awareness of family planning measures in the urban and urban-slum of Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir State). The sample of the study was divided into two groups’ i.e. urban women and urban-slum women. The sample size consisted of 30 women; 15 women from urban community and 15 women from urban-slum community in the age group of 25-35 years were selected for the purpose. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting the sample. The data was collected with the help of Interview schedule. Findings of the study indicate that women from the urban as well as urban-slum community were aware about the family planning measures but in urban areas majority of the women used pills, IUD, where as in urban-slum community majority of the men used family planning measures like condom. The failure rate of family planning measures was high in the urban-slum community. Women from the urban community had good attitude regarding the use of contraceptives and they were satisfied as per their view the use of these measures was considered not only best for spacing the children but also had helpful in maintaining a healthy and tension free life. The result also reveals that each and every family planning methods had some side effects.


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