© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                     Anthropologist, 6(3): 163-167 (2004)



Demographic Profile of an Autochthonous Tribe:

The Aranadan of Kerala


Seetha Kakkoth


KIRTADS (Kerala Institute for Research, Training and Development Studies of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes), Chevayur P.O., Kozhikode 670017, Kerala, India

E-mail: ammusagarika@sanchar.net.in


KEYWORDS Aranadan. Autochthones. Fertility. Mortality. Morbidity. Diminutive. Dependency. Ratio. Crude Birth Rate.  Crude Death Rate.


ABSTRACT This article analyses the demographic aspects of a diminutive tribal community viz., the Aranadan tribe of Kerala, having a population of 254. The population structure is highly influenced by different factors like fertility, mortality, morbidity, non-tribal influences etc. It is hoped that the demographic characteristics will be helpful to planners and administrators for micro-level planning for the development of this community.


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