© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                            Anthropologist, 6(2): 153-154 (2004)



A Model Designed to Ascertain Metrically The Axial

Triradius of Human Palm




Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India


Keywords Axial Triradius. Qualitative Terms. Model. Physical Measurements.


Abstract The palmar formula of the human palm consists of ten element. Axial triradius is one of the important elements.  Various levels of it have been termed as proximal, intermediate and distal.  These terms are qualitative ambiguous and unfit for the scientific representation.  The present author has designed and forwarded a model by making the axis xy drawn from the bracelet creases to the metacarpo phalangeal crease passing through the proximal axial triradius and the triradius c of the IVth digit.  As the axial triradius usually occurs in the lower half of the palm, the lower half of this axis is made into three equal parts.  The occurrence of this axial triradius in the proximal part of the axis xy is termed as t while the intermediate and distal are technically called as  t’  and  t” . This model has been designed and forwarded for the first time to evaluate the levels of the axial triradius by physical measurements and resolving it conclusively and convincingly.


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