© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                                Anthropologist, 6(2): 151-152 (2004)



Palmar Main Line Index – A New Methodological Approach


H.K. Kumbnani


Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India


KEYWORDS Dermatoglyphics. Main Lines. Terminations


ABSTRACT The main line index of the palm is an expression of the direction of the neutral line whose inclination is determined by the courses of the main lines D and A. It is the summational value of these two main lines and it expresses the transversality of the ridges in the palm. The highest terminations of these main lines have been observed to be 13 and 7, respectively and hence the maximum value of the index is to be 8=7=15. In order words the plam shows the maximum degree of the transversality of the ridges. The proposed innovative hypothesis offered for the first time is to consider the maximum expected value as well as the actually observed value of the index. The highlight of this hypothesis is to evaluate the extent to which the observed value differs from the expected value.


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