© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                             Anthropologist, 6(1): 25-28 (2004)



The Effect of Psychological Barriers on Delivery of Service

 Marketing in Nigeria


Joshua O. Adetayo


Department of Management and Accounting, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria


KeyWords Perception. Fear. Anxiety. Attitudes. Confusion.


ABSTRACT The paper focussed on the psychological barriers that had hindered the growth and development of service marketing in the developing countries, from Nigerian perspective.  Service marketing is a noted laudable profession if the provider takes cognizance of customer satisfaction.  The study examined the barriers; fear, anxiety, confusion, perception and the attitudes of customers’ to these barriers.  The study revealed that these barriers are deterent to the growth of service marketing because they kick off customers from patronizing the offers. The negative human attitudes to services and service providers had become a ‘cancer’ that is being passed from generation to generation. The perception of customers is that servicemen are thieves, carrying out their functions unscrupulously, deceiving customers in order to make their money at the expense of customers. Customers in the developing countries resented new services because of confusion, not knowing the significant differences between the old and new services. The question now is who will soften the mind of customers and change their negative attitudes towards service marketing to positive ones. This task could be carried out through effective and persuasive communications.  Customer satisfaction should be enforced through augmented services. Service providers should execute their offer with prudence and honesty.


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