© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                                Anthropologist, 6(1):1-12 (2004)



Sexual Illnesses and Underutilization of Biomedicine

Among Tribal Women of Rajasthan


Veena Bhasin


Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India


KEYWORDS Gynecology. Reproductive Health.  Morbidity. Mortality. Gender


ABSTRACT The general health services have a major role to play in detecting and treating STDs cases. Diagnoses of STDs in women entail efficient general health services. Effective medical services, which evoke confidence and trust, are essential pre-requisites for this. No health services can gain credibility among its clients if it provides RH care but does not treat other common conditions such as fevers and diarrheas. Adopting a public health approach to reproductive health care and STIS, within the context of Primary Health Care. Reproductive health needs are a subset of women’s broader health needs, and needs to be approached as such. There is no other way one can improve upon women’s reproductive health and alleviation of STIs in isolation from her overall welfare. It would be better to rely on holistic and integrated rather than on technical solutions


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