© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                         Stud. Tribes Tribals, 2(2): 85-95 (2004)



Forging a Link Between Indigenous Communication, Effective

Community Social Work Practice and National Development


Ifeyinwa Annastasia Mbakogu


Department of Social Work, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

E-mail: ifeyinwambakogu@justice.com


KEYWORDS Rural development programmes; indigenous people; indigenous knowledge;

community social work; indigenous communication/channels.


ABSTRACT A major impediment to social work practice especially in developing countries is ensuring that citizens in both rural and urban communities benefit from a nation’s increased affluence. However, community social work practice is often hampered in those rural areas, lacking prior contact with modernisation and where determining appropriate communication strategies to reach these indigenous dwellers may become a problem. To facilitate effective social work practice directed at enhancing the welfare of indigenous communities, this paper emphasises the need for community social workers to understand the rudiments of indigenous communication. Moreover, this becomes realistic when considered that indigenous people are often favourably disposed to development initiatives when the change advocates have even a minimal understanding of their language, music, cultural and religious beliefs.


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