© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                           Stud. Tribes Tribals, 2(1): 9-13 (2004)



Training Disadvantaged Rural Children for Interpersonal

Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills


Darshna Punia, Shanti Balda and Shakuntla Punia


Department of Human Development and Family Studies, CCS

Haryana AgriculturalUniversity, Hisar 125 004, Haryana, India


KeyWords Interpersonal cognitive problem solving; intervention; disadvantaged; preschool children


abstract The present study was conducted with low income group disadvantaged rural preschool children in Hisar. Sixty children from two villages participated in the research. Children from Village 1 constituted the sample for Control Group; children from Village 2 constituted the sample for Experimental Group. These children were matched on the basis of their pre-testing scores. Pre-post, control-experimental research design was used. Intervention training was provided to Experimental Group children for a period of three months to promote their Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-Solving skills. Results of the present study indicate that, at post-testing, after intervention training, performance of experimental group children improved significantly, whereas, there was no improvement in control group children who did not receive any intervention.


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