© Kamla-Raj 2003                                                                    Stud. Tribes Tribals, 1(2): 163-164 (2003)



Cultural Aspects of Health in Jowhar of Maharashtra


B.M. Mukherjee


Department of Anthropology, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur 495 009,

Chhatisgarh, India


KEY WORDS Tribals; health status; education; economy


ABSTRACT In the present study an attempt has been made to study cultural aspects of health among Jowahar tribals. It has been observed that  allopathic system is becoming quite popular among them. The health administrative structure of Maharashtra Government has been able to deliver goods and services to the poor tribals. Tribal women and children are responding favourably to the health department. This has resulted in lowering of maternal and infant mortality rate. With the improvement of education and stable economic resources their health status would go up.


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