© Kamla-Raj 2003                                                                    Stud. Tribes Tribals, 1(2): 149-153 (2003)



Social Transformation and Political Orientation:

The Case of Midnapore Tribals


Rajat Kanti Das


Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India


Key words Social transformation; tribe; political orientation; interaction pattern


Abstract  In the present context it may not be possible to treat social transformation independent of politically motivated action.  In recent times, transformation of tribes along caste and community lines has slowed down to some extent and in some cases the process has been reversed.  But the state and nationallevel politics have made the tribals of Midnapore increasingly dependent on the dominating political order established by the majority community and communities of non-tribals. This has created adverse reaction among them in the sense that they have found an alternative in the form of Jharkhand party to counter the political domination of the majority group.  For the tribals, economic changes directed and controlled by the present socio-economic order have benefited only a selected few and as a result differentiation has become a component of the tribal life-style making them more vulnerable than ever.


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