© Kamla-Raj 2003                                                                      Stud. Tribes Tribals, 1(2): 141-148 (2003)



Tribal Situation in North East India


A.N.M. Irshad Ali and Indranoshee Das


Department of Anthropology, Gauhati University, Guwahati 781 014, Assam, India

E-mail:  indranosheedas@yahoo.com


KEY WORDS Migration; tribal situation; North East India; ethnicity


ABSTRACT This note portrays on anthropological, geographical and historical perspectives, the phenomenon of migration, emergence and distribution of various tribal groups in the seven states of North East India. The tribes and the tribal situation of North East India may be considered as concrete examples of the theme of variation and diversity of bio-social and cultural life in terms of genetic strains,  languages,  ideologies, social organizations, cultural traditions, political organizations economic life,  etc. The tribal groups have adapted themselves to varying ecological conditions of North East India with the help of their indigenous technological know-how. One of the most significant developments among the tribes of North East India is the ethnic identity movements based on factors like territory, language, religion etc.


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