© Kamla-Raj 2003                                                                           Stud. Tribes Tribals, 1 (1): 1-5 (2003)



Tribes and Tribal: Origin, Use, and Future of the Concept


Robert J. Gregory


School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand,

E-mail: R.J.Gregory@massey.ac.nz


KeyWords Tribe; world-system; strategies; definitions; futures.


Abstract Nation-states seized positions of political power a long time ago, and like corporations more recently with their economic power, label and disparage those who are left out from participation and involvement. The word “tribe” is one such label, and the term fits a wide diversity of people, most of whom never regarded themselves as being a member of a “tribe.” Still, those people have conceptualised, designed, and experienced strategic and tactical relationships with the proverbial powers that be and managed to survive, and frequently, thrive. We can learn much from tribes, the origin, use, and futures of tribes, and their rich experiences in living.


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