Dr. J. Abongdia

Field of Specialisation: Language

Education and Communication Skills, School of General and Continuing Education, University of Fort Hare

E-mail: jabongdia@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Willice O. Abuya
Moi University, Kenya

E-mail: williceabuya@yahoo.com


Dr. J. T. Agberia


Department of Fine and Visual Arts, University of Port Harcourt,Port Harcourt, Rivers State,Nigeria

E-mail: jagberia@yahoo.com


Dr. Kokunre Agbontaen-Eghafona,


Professor of Anthropology and

Head of Department

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

E-mail: kokie@uniben.edu


Dr. Edgar Agubamah

Associate Prof

Specialization: International Relations, Strategic Studies and Policy Analysis.

Dept of Political Science, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

E-mail: edgaragubamah1@yahoo.com


Dr. Femi Ajayi

Postgraduate in Health Sciences

Consultant and Expert in Health and Relations, Polokwane, South Africa

E-mail: fefemmy@gmail.com


Dr. Praise Akpune

Area of Specialization: Community Development, Delinquent behavior, Child development

Department of Behavioural Studies, College of Management Sciences, Redeemer’s University Mowe, Ogun State, Nigeria

E-mail: praisebede@yahoo.com


Dr. Adewale Amosun

Teacher Education, University of Ibadan Nigeria

E-mail: amosuns2002@yahoo.com


Dr. A. Arko-Achemfuor

College of Education, ABET Department, University of South Africa

E-mail: aachea@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Lewis Aptekar

Counselor Education,

San Jose State University, San Jose, California 95192-0073, USA

E-mail: laptekar@E-mail.sjsu.edu


Dr. Abdullahi Ali Arazeem

Field of Specialisation: Industrial Sociology

Name of workplace: Department of Sociology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

E-mail: kwaraeleven@yahoo.com


Dr. Sara Arnon

Associated Professor

Field of specialization: Immigration, sense of place

Department of multi-disciplinary studies, Tel-Hai College, M. P. 12210 Israel

E-mail: Arnons@mgamla.co.il


Dr. (Mrs) R. O. Aziza


Field of specialization: Phonologist/Sociolinguist

Department of Linguistics, DELSU, Abraka, Delta State. Nigeria

E-mail: roaziza12@yahoo.com


Dr. Wole  Atere

Associate Professor

Social Problem

Department  of Sociology, Osun State University, Osun State, Nigeria

E-mail:  elias.wahab@lasunigeria.org


Dr. Anus Bayaga

Field of Specialization: Educational Studies

University of Fort Hare P/Bag 7426, 50 Church Street, East London, 5200 Republic of South Africa

E-mail: abayaga@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Gina Buijs

Walter Sisulu University

E-mail:  ginabuijs@gmail.com


Dr. Madoda Cekiso

Field of specialisation: English curriculum and gender analysis researcher,

Department of English, University of Fort Hare, Gasson Centre Building, 50 Church Street, East London Campus, South Africa

E-mail: mc@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Tendai Chari

Media studies and linguistics, University of Venda

E-mail: Tendai.chari@univen.ac.za


Dr. M. M. Chili (Pr. Sci. Nat.)

Deputy Director and Senior Researcher

Mathematics and Science Education Unit, P. O. Box 12363, Jacobs, 4026, Durban, South Africa

E-mail: chilimm@yahoo.com


Dr. Vitallis Chikoko


Field of specialization: Ed leadership and Management

University of KwaZulu-Natal, P/Bag X03 Ashwood 3605

E-mail: chikokov@ukzn.ac.za


Dr. Ndiafhi Davhana

Deeds Controller

Senior Deeds Controller at Dept. of Rural Development and Land Reforms

E-mail: ndavhana@ruraldevelopment.gov.za


Dr. P. Dube

Field of Specialisation: Gender and Policy Studies.

Midlands State University, P.O. Box, 3047. Gweru, Zimbabwe

E-mail: pepukai.dube@rocketmail.com


Dr. Patrick Dzimiri

History and Political Science, University of Venda

E-mail: Patrick.dzimiri@univen.ac.za


Dr. Samson Edo


Field of Specialization:  Financial Economics

Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria

E-mail: Samsonedo@gmail.com


Dr. K. A. Eghafona


Field of Specialization: Anthropology

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

E-mail: kokie@uniben.edu


Dr. Chris Ejizu

Field of Specialization: African Traditional Religion

University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, P.M.B. 5323, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

E-mail: ejizu@yahoo.com


Dr. Nnamdi T. Ekeanyanwu

Covenant University, KM 10 Idiroko Rd. Canaanland, Ota, P. M. B. 1023, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria


Dr. Fabrice Tambe Endoh
Present Status: Senior Lecturer
Field Of Specialisation: Student academic development, HIV/AIDS, etc.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Fort Hare University South Africa


Dr. Olawale Fatoki


Area of Specialization: Financial Management

Department of Business Management, University of Limpopo, South Africa

E-mail: olawalefatoki@gmail.com


Dr. Olufunmilayo Odeku Feyikemi

Senior Researcher and Administrator

Hansen C&D Consult Ltd, Educational Consultant, Oil and gas Consurtium, Lagos, Nigeria

E-mail: Funmiodeku@yahoo.com


Dr. John Foncha

Field of Specialisation: Educational issues, Community development, Childhood development, Support systems of Education

School of Continuing and Further Education, Faculty of Education, University of Fort Hare, P. B. X1314, Alice 5700, South Africa

E-mail: jfoncha@ufh.ac.za


Dr. N. Shava George

Field of specialization: Educational Management, Policy Studies and Planning, Facilitation, Higher Education Assessment and Continuing Teacher Education

National University of Science and Technology, Department of Technical Teacher Education, P. O. Box  AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo. Corner, Gwanda Rd and Cecil Av. Zimbabwe

E-mail: gnshava@gmail.com


Dr. Shlomo Getz 

The Institute for the Research of the Kibbutz, University of Haifa

E-mail: getz@research.haifa.ac.il


Dr. B.Z. Gobingca
Head of Department
Faculty of Education, Walter Sisulu University


Prof. Doraval Govender

Present Status: Professor

Specialisation: Community Policing, Policing, Organised Crime

Department of criminal and security science, University of South Africa

E-mail: Govend1@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Masefako Andronica Gumani

Department of Psychology, University of South Africa, P. O. Box 20215, Crystal Park, 1515

E-mail: gumanma@unisa.ac.za


Dr Priscilla Gutura

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Department of Social Work, Social Development, University of Fort Hare, P. Bag X1314, Alice 5700

E-mail: priscillagutura@gmail.com


Dr. Kalpana Hiralal

Present Status: Prof of History and Social Sciences

Field of specialization: Indian women in the Diaspora;

India’s Relations with overseas Indians, Dept. of History and Sociology, School of Sociology, UKZN, Durban, 4000; RSA

E-mail: Hiralalk@ukzn.ac.za


Dr. Dipane Hlalele

Programme Coordinator

Faculty of Education, Qwaqwa campus, Private Bag X13, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866, Republic of South Africa

E-mail: hlaleleDJ@qwa.ufs.ac.za


Dr. Amanda Hlengwa

Field of specialization: Higher Education Studies, Curriculum Development, Service-Learning, Professional Development

Centre of Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning, Rhodes University, PO Box 94 Grahams town 6140 South Africa

E-mail: A.hlengwa@ru.ac.za


Dr. A. J.  Hugo

Emeritus professor

Field of specialization: Special

Needs and Barriers to learning, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

E-mail: annajohugo@gmail.com


Dr. Jendele Hungbo

Area of Specialization: African studies, Development studies, Migration, Media and Politics in Africa

Wits Institute of Social & Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail: jendelehungbo@yahoo.com


Dr. David L. Imbua

Dept. of History and International Diplomacy

Specialty: International Relations and Strategic Studies

University of Calabar, Nigeria

E-mail: imbuadave@yahoo.com


Dr. Gerelene Jagganath


Department of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences

E-mail: pattundeeng@ukzn.ac.za


Dr. Ayodele Samuel Jegede

PhD (Medical Sociology);  MHSc Medical Science (Bioethics),

Associate Professor,

Department of Sociology, & Faculty Member, West African Bioethics, Training Programme, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

Telephone: +234-8055282418, +234-7042841944, +234-8082602035

E-mail: sayjegede@yahoo.com, asjegede@gmail.com, dele.jegede@utoronto.ca


Dr. Jones

Deborah Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine

E-mail: DJones@med.miami.edu


Dr. Mohatlane Edwin Joseph

Field of specialisation: Research & African Languages

University of Free State, Free State Province, P. O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300

E-mail: mohatlaneej@ufs.ac.za


Dr. C. P. Juru

Educational Management and Policy Studies, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP167, Harare, Zimbabwe 

E-mail: pcjuru@yahoo.com


Dr. Rosemary Kalenga

Senior Researcher

Field of Specialization: Education Studies

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa

E-mail: Rosemary.Kalenga@nmmu.ac.za


Dr. Stephen Kigundu

Academic Development Specialist

Walter Sisulu University, P. O. Box 19712, Tecoma, East London

E-mail: skigundu@wsu.ac.za


Dr. A.R Kilani


Filed Specialization:  Islamic Studies & Ethics

Department of Religious & Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria

E-mail: abdulrazaqkilani@yahoo.com


Dr. Pascal Kishindo


Linguistics and African Language, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi

E-mail: pjkishindo@yahoo.co.uk


Dr. Mikhail Kuten

Field of specialization: Strategic Business

Management University, 62 B Dolomite Avenue, Wilropark Ext 2, 1724

E-mail: pythagoras13@hotmail.com


Dr. Bayo Kutu
BSc. MSc. Researcher Economics,
Labour relations and Environmentalist


Dr. S. J. Kwatubana

Research support

School of Educational Sciences, NWU (Vaal Campus), Building 8 G33

E-mail: sipho.Kwatubana@nwu.ac.za


Dr. Matodzi Nancy Lambani

Field of specialization: Education and English

Department of English, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa

E-mail: matodzi.lambani@univen.ac.za


Dr. Johannes Malefetsane Lenake

Present status:  Professor

Field of specialisation: African Languages and Literatures

Institute of Hendricks van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1900

E-mail: 11288175@nwu.ac.za


Dr. Kgeledi Johanna Lebaka

Department of Applied Languages, Tshwane University of Technology, North Campus, Pretoria, South Africa

E-mail: lebakakj@gmail.com


Mr. Patrick Letsatsi

Socio-political, History and Oral History, Institution of National Museum, Bloemfontein 9300

E-mail: Patrick.letsatsi@nasmus.co.za


Dr. George A. Lotter

Practical Theology
Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Dr. M. W. Lumadi

Higher Degrees Chair: Curriculum & Instructional Studies

College of Education, Room 6-54 AJH VdW Building, P.O. Box 392, UNISA, Pretoria, 0003, South Africa

E-mail: Lumadmw@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Takalani Macao

School of Education Educational Studies, P. Bag x5050Thohoyandou 0950

E-mail: Takalani.Mashau@univen.ac.za


Dr. Severino Machingambi

Present Status: Deputy Director

Field of specialization:  Teaching & Learning Development

Centre for Teaching & Learning, Mangosuthu University of Technology, 511 Mangosuthu Hwy, Durban, 4031

E-mail: smachingamnbi@mut.ac.za


Dr. Richard N. Madadzhe


Field of Specialization:  Sociolinguistics, Folklore and Morphology

School of Languages and Communication Studies, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, University of Limpopo

E-mail: richard.madadzhe@ul.ac.za


Dr. Eve Mafema

University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College, Durban 4001 RSA

E-mail: hlaganiso@Yahoo.co.uk


Dr. Medicine Magocha

Human Resource Management, Tswane University of Technology

E-mail: Medymagocha2002@yahoo.co.uk


Dr. Thabo Makhalemele

School of Educational Sciences, North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus)

E-mail: Thabo.Makhalemele@nwu.ac.za


Prof. T. Makoelle

(UNISA) PhD (Manchester, UK) Senior Lecturer

Inclusive Education University of Johannesburg Auckland Park Campus Bring 417 A

E-mail: tmakoelle@uj.ac.za


Dr. Rodwell Makombe

Department of Media, Language and Communication, Durban University of Technology

E-mail: rodwellm@dut.ac.za


Dr. Livingstone Makondo

Senior Educational Development Practitioner

Field of Specialization: Higher Education Studies, University of Venda

E-mail: Livingstone.Makondo@univen.ac.za


Dr. Macalane Junel Malindi

University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, P. O. Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, Cnr Kingsway & University Rd. Auckland Park, 2006, Madibeng, B-Ring 424

E-mail: mmalindi@uj.ac.za


Dr. L. R. Manwadu

Univen School of Education, P. Bag x5050, Thohoyandou 0950

E-mail: Livhuwani.Manwadu@univen.ac.za


Prof. Matsobane J. Manala

College of Human Sciences

Department of Philosophy, Practical and systematic Theology, 08-63 Theo van Wijk Building, University of South Africa

E-mail: Manalmj@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Tatenda Manomano

Social work Practitioner, Social work NGO

E-mail: 200706055@ufh.ac.za


Dr. R. K. Maruthakutti

Associate Professor

Field of Specialization: Social Networks, Ageing, Social Movements

Department of Sociology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abisekapatti, Tirunelveli-12, Tamilnadu, India

E-mail: maruthakutti@yahoo.com


Dr. Joyce Nontokozo Mashiya

University of Zululand, Private Bag X1001,KwaDlangezwa 3886 South Africa

E-mail: mashiyaj@unizulu.ac.za


Dr. David Masiloane


Department of Police Practice, School of Criminal Justice, College of Law, University of South Africa

E-mail: dmasiloa@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Ellen Materechera

North-West university, Mafikeng Campus, Academic development, Inclusive education

E-mail: Ellen.Materechera@nwu.ac.za


Dr. Sheila N. Matoti

HOD: Educational and Professional Studies

Faculty of Humanities,  Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT), Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa

E-mail: smatoti@cut.ac.za


Dr. Langtone Maunganidze

Status: Doctor
Field: Human Resources Management and Leadership studies
Department of Sociology, University of Botswana, Gaborone Botswana,

Telephone: 00 267 75577199
E-mail: langtone.maunganidze@mopipi.ub.bw or lmaunganidze@gmail.com


Dr. T. Mayisela

Teaching Development Specialist, University of Cape Town

E-mail: tabisamayisela@gmail.co.za


Dr. A. M. Mbangu

Department of Communication Science, Vaal University of Technology, Private Bag X021,Vanderbijlpark, Andries Potgieter, Blvrd1900, South Africa

E-mail: anicetmbangu@gmail.com


Dr. John C. Mbuya

MBA Department

Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership, P.O Box 756, Fauna Park, Limpopo, South Africa

E-mail: John.mbuya@ul.ac.za


Dr. Raj Mestry


Department of Education Leadership and Management, Robert Sobukwe Building, Soweto Campus, Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg

E-mail: rajm@uj.ac.za


Ms. C. Mhaka

Midlands State University, P.O. Box, 3047. Gweru, Zimbabwe

E-mail: carolinemhaka@ymail.com


Dr. Roland Milakowitz (Retired)


Specialization: Philosophy and Business

University of Novi Sad

E-mail: pythagoras13@hotmail.com

Dr. Angelique Corinne Milan
Present Status: Journal secretary
Field of specialization: Philosophy, education and management

P.O. Box 21357, Helderkruin 1733, South Africa
E-mail: pythagoras13@hotmail.com


Vusi S Mncube

Professor and Head of Department

Educational Leadership and Management

College of Education, University of South Africa, Room 6-77 AJH Van Der Walt Building, No. 1 Preller Street, Muckleneuk Campus, Pretoria, P.O. Box 392, UNISA, 0003, South Africa

E-mail: Mncubvs@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Sonwabile Mnwana


Field of Specialisation: Industrial Sociology

Work and Development Institute (SWOP), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail: Sonwabile.Mnwana@wits.ac.za


Dr. I. V. O. Modo
Present Status: Professor of Social Anthropology   
Field of Specialization: Social Anthropology & Social Development
Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty ofSocial Sciences; University of Uyo, Nigeria


Dr. V. S. M. Moeketsi
School of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities

Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT), P.O. Box !881, Welkom 9460, 9300 South Africa

E-mail: E-mail@cut.ac.za


Dr. Edwin Mohatlane

African Languages

P. O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa

E-mail: mohatlaneEJ@ufs.ac.za


Ms. Untalimile Crystal Mokoena

Present Status: Lecturer

Field(s) of Specialisation:  Public Law

Department of Public Law, School of Law, Private Bag X5050 Thohoyandou 0950, University of Venda

E-mail: crystal.mokoena@univen.ac.za


Prof. Victor Molobi

Chief Researcher

Research Institute for Theology and Religion

E-mail: Molobvs@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Reginald Botshabeng Monyai

Field of specialisation: African languages and Literatures

Education of the Institute, Private Bag X680, Pretoria 0001

E-mail: monyaiRB@tut.ac.za


Dr. L. E. Mphasha

University of Venda, School of Human and Social Sciences, M. E. R. Mathivha Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture , Department of Northern Sotho, Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou 0950, Limpopo Province, South Africa

E-mail: Lekau.mphasha@univen.ac.za


Dr. Pilot Mudhovozi

Dept. of Humanities, University of Venda

E-mail:  Pilot.Mudhovozi@univen.ac.za


Dr. Ndileleni P. Mudzielwana

Field of specialization: Early Childhood Education 

Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Venda, P. O. Box 5050 Thohoyandou 0950

E-mail: Ndileleni.mudzielwana@univen.ac.za


Dr. Muhuro

Senior Lecturer

Teaching and Learning Centre

P/B X1314

E-mail: PMuhuro@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Shonisani Mulovhedzi

Present Status: Lecturer

Field of specialization: Early Childhood Education

Department of ECE, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa

E-mail: Shonisani.mulovhedzi@univen.ac.za


Dr. Emmanuel Mutambara

Educational Management and Policy Studies, Management College of Southern Africa, 26 Aliwal North Durban 4001, Republic of South Africa

E-mail: Emmanuel.mutumbara@mancosa.co.za


Dr. Edmore Mutekwe
Department of Education Studies, University of Johannesburg, P. O. Box 524, Auckland Park, Republic of South Africa


Dr. H. N. Mutshaeni

Univen School of Education, Curriculum and Educational Studies, P.O. Box 1586 Thohoyandou 0950

E-mail: Nancy.Mutshaeni@univen.ac.za

Dr. K. Mwaba

Senior Professor

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Community and Health, University of Western Cape, Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville, 7535, Republic of South Africa

E-mail: kmwaba@uwc.ac.za


Dr. Inba Naicker

Senior Lecturer

Educational Leadership, Management and Policy

School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Cnr Richmond and Mariannhill Roads, Edgewood Campus

E-mail: Naickeri1@ukzn.ac.za


Dr. Hlanganipai Ngirande

Department of Business Management, University of Limpopo, Turfloop, Limpopo Province, South Africa

E-mail: Hlanganipai.Ngirande@ul.ac.za


Dr. C. Ngwakwe


Present Status: Head Of Department: MBA,

Field of Specialisation: Accounting, Entrepreneurship,General Management

Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership University of Limpopo, Limpopo Province, South Africa

E-mail: collins.ngwakwe@ul.ac.za


Dr. Vuyisile Nkonki

Present Status:  Manager – Teaching and Learning Centre

Field of specialization:  Teaching & Learning Development

University of Fort Hare, Private Bag X1314, King William’s Town Road, Alice, 5700

E-mail: vnkonki@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Paul Harry Nkuna

Present Status: Doctor [HEAD]

Field Of Specialisation: Language policy and Language planning

P.O. Box 392, Unisa, 0003

E-mail: Nkunaph@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Jaja Nwanegbo
Political Science (Governance)
Federal University Wukari, P. M. B 1020 Wukari-Nigeria

Dr. Chinedu I. O. Okeke

Research Niche Area (ECD,) Faculty of Education, University of Fort Hare

E-mail: cokeke@ufh.ac.za or eduresearchniche@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Shumirai Nyota


Field of specialization: Applied linguistics

Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe

E-mail: shumirai.nyota@gmail.com


Dr Emeka Obioha


University of Botswana, Botswana

E-mail: eobioha@yahoo.com or eeobioha@yahoo.com


Dr. Chinedu I. O. Okeke

Research Niche Area (ECD,) Faculty of Education, University of Fort Hare

E-mail: cokeke@ufh.ac.za or eduresearchniche@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Oduola Taofiq Omotayo                                     
B.Sc. M.Sc. (Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations)   
Entobol Enterprises Nigeria Limited, Consulting & HR Practitioners   


Dr. A. O. Olutayo


Field of Specialization: Development Studies and Rural Sociology
Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Benin, Nigeria


Dr. Faloore O. Olutola

Department of Behaviour Studies, Redeemer's University, P. M. B 3005 Redemption City, Mowe, Ogun State


Dr. D. O. Omoike

Associate Professor

Field of Specialization: Educational Management

Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria

E-mail: dononode@hotmail.com 


Dr. W. Onipede

Field of Specialisation: Sociology

Department Of Sociology, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria

E-mail: onipedewusu@yahoo.com


Dr. Pule P. Phindane

Present Status:  Head of Department of African Languages

Field of specialisation:  Linguistics and Translation

Address:  CUT, Camelia Annex Building, Room G9, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa

E-mail: pphindane@cut.ac.za


Dr. Rethabile Possa

University of Cape Town, School of Languages and Literatures, 226 Arts Block Private Bag Rondebosch, 7701 Cape Town, South Africa

E-mail: Rethabile.possa@uct.ac.za


Mr. Khotso Pudumo

Present Status: Oral Historian

Field of Specialization: Political History

Institution of Independent Researcher, Bloemfontein 9300

E-mail: khotso93@hotmail.com


Dr. Awelani Melvin Rambuda

Field of specialisation: Educational Management and Leadership, Didactics/Curriculum Studies

Department of Educational and Professional Studies, P.O. Box 1881, Welkom, 9460, Central University of Technology, Free State

E-mail: arambuda @cut.ac.za


Dr. Johannes Reichmayr

Department of Transcultural and Historical, Research in Psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud , Privat University Vienna, Schnirchgasse 9a,  A-1030 Wien, Austria

E-mail: johannes.reichmayr@sfu.ac.at


Dr. N. Romm

Education Professor

College of Education, Abet Department, University of South Africa

E-mail: rommnra@unisa.ac.za


Dr. C. S. Le Roux

Chairperson of Ethics Committee

Field of specialization: Natural Sciences and History of Education

Department of Educational Foundations, University of SA, Pretoria, South Africa

E-mail: lrouxcs@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Siya Sabata

Curriculum Development

Fundani, Centre for Higher Education and Development

E-mail: sabatas@cput.ac.za


Dr. Michael Olorunjuwon Samuel

HRM, General management

Private Bag X3, Wits 2050, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail: Olorunjuwon.samuel@wits.ac.za


Dr. Mabatho Sedibe

Specialization: Educational psychology, Life Orientation and Teacher Education

Department of Educational Psychology, University Of Johannesburg

E-mail: mabathos@uj.ac.za


Mr. Ramolisinyane A. Sempe

Present Status:   Chief Education and Language Specialist

Field of specialisation:  Language, Literature and Translation

Department of Basic Education, Provincial, Government Building, P O Box 2034 Bloemfontein 9300

E-mail: A.Sempe@fseducation.gov.za


Miss M. M. Selemela

Senior Language Specialist

Field of specialisation: Language and Translation

Department of Basic Education, Trustfontein Building, Bloemfontein, 9300

E-mail: Selemelamm@edu.fs.gov.za


Dr. K. J. Shiny
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Zoology, Government College Kottayam, Kerala

E-mail: shinykj@rediffmail.com


Dr. A. K. Siachitema


Institute for Gender and Youth Studies, University of Venda, P/Bag X 5050 Thohoyandou, 0950S, Africa

E-mail: Alice.Siachitema@univen.ac.za


Dr. Khulumani Sibanda

Field of specialization: Methodology of pedagogical investigations, Methodology of teaching mathematics and computer science, Sociology and Psychology of teaching theory, Database management, Computer Operating Systems, Communication wireless networks, Research methods and statistics
Head of Telkom Centre of Excellence research Unit, University of Fort Hare, Computer Science Department, Private Bag X1314, Alice, 5700

E-mail: ksibanda@ufh.ac.za


Dr. Gregory Simire


Fiele of Specialisation: Sociolinguist, Appliedling, Didactics

Department of Foreign languages, University of Lagos, Akoka,  Lagos State, Nigeria

E-mail:  gregoryosassimire@gmail.com


Dr. Anand Singh


Field of Specialisation: Social and Cultural Anthropology

Address: School of Anthropology, Gender and Historical Studies, Howard College Campus, Private Bag x54001, Durban 4000, South Africa

Telephone/Mobile: 027-31-260 7502/7145; 0846196611

E-mail: asingh@pixie.udw.ac.za


Dr. Tholene Sodi

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology, University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus),

P/Bag X1106, Sovenga, 0727, South Africa

E-mail: tholene.sodi@ul.ac.za


Dr. Abie Sumbulu         

Field Of Specialisation: HIV/AIDS

Social Security in Africa University of Fort Hare, PB X1314, Alice 5700, South Africa

E-mail: asumbulu@ufh.ac.za


Dr. G. M. Steyn


Department of Educational Leadership and Management, Muckleneuk Campus, Preller Street, University of South Africa, P O Box 392, Pretoria 0003, South Africa

E-mail: steyngm1@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Ramodungoane Tabane

Psychology of Education, Office 2-27, College of Education, Solomon Mahlangu Building (Vudec)

E-mail:  Tabanrj@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Enoh Tanjong


Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Buea, Cameroon

E-mail: enoh_tanjong@yahoo.com


Dr. Moffat Chitapa Tarusikirwa

Field of specialization: Comparative Education, Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies, Gender and Management, Business Studies, Marketing, Research Methods and Statistics, Teaching, etc.
Zimbabwe Open University, Department of Teacher Development, P. O. Box MP 1119, Mount Pleasant, Harare,  Zimbabwe

E-mail: mctarusikirwa@gmail.com


Dr. Tsoaledi Thobejane
Head of Department
Institute For Gender and Youth Studies, University of Venda, Pbag x 5050, Thohoyandou-0950, South Africa


Dr L. D. N. Tlale

College of Education, Department of Inclusive Education, AJH Van Der Walt Building Room 6-118

E-mail: tlaleldn@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Joseph A. Ushie

Field of Specialization: Specialty: International Relations and Strategic Studies

Department of History and Strategic Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria

E-mail: josephushie@yahoo.com


Dr. Goolam Vahed

Present Status: Professor

Field of specialization: Indian History in South Africa and  India-SA Bilateral Relations

Dept of History and Sociology, School of Sociology, UKZN, Durban, 4000; RSA

E-mail: vahedg@ukzn.ac.za


Dr. Gasa Velisiwe

Associate Professor

Field of Specialisation: Inclusive Education

University of South Africa, College of Education, Box 392, Pretoria, 0003

E-mail: gasavg@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Newman Wadesango


Walter Sisulu University, Educational Management

E-mail: nwadesango@wsu.ac.za


Dr. W.O. Wotogbe-Weneka


Field of Specialization: African Traditional Religion

University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, P.M.B. 5323, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

E-mail: p.wotogbeweneka@yahoo.com


Dr. T. Zengele

Associate professor

Educational Leadership

Room 6-081, AJH Van Der Walt Building, University of South Africa

E-mail: tzengele@unisa.ac.za


Dr. Joyce Zikhali

Field of Specialization: Sociology of Education

Educational Management University of Johannesburg, Auckland Campus, Siemert Street Johannesburg 2028

E-mail: zikhalijoyce@gmail.com


Prof. Zibonele Zimba

Present Status: Senior Lecturer

Field Of Specialisation: Social Protection,

Community development, HIV/AIDS, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Fort Hare, PB X1314, Alice 5700, South Africa                

E-mail: 200801571@ufh.ac.za


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