© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                                     J. Soc. Sci., 8(2): 155-163 (2004)



Creating a kshetra: Goddess Tarini of Ghatgaon and Her

Development from a Forest Goddess to Pan-Orissan Deity


Cornelia Mallebrein


Seminar for Indology and Comparative Science of Religion, Department of Indology,

Münzgasse 30, 72070 Tübingen, Germany

E-mail: mallebrein@aol.com


KEYWORDS Tarini; hinduised goddess; Raja of Keonjhar; Orissa history; sacred centre, temple; worship.


ABSTRACT Every year the number of devotees grows who visit the Devi’s her impressive temple complex in Ghatgaon, Keonjhar district, grows. She is one of the most important and best-known goddesses throughout Orissa. It is striking to see the development from her jungle shrine into a huge centre of worship within the last thirty years. Various legends are linked with goddess Tarini whose place of origin is said to be far away in South India. She is closely linked with the royal family of Keonjhar and considered as their istadevi. A fascinating goddess who has left the jungle to conquer her devotees in this world.


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