© Kamla-Raj 2004                                                                               J. Hum. Ecol., 16(1): 43-48 (2004)



Indigenous Knowledge: The Basis of The Maasai Ethnoveterinary Diagnostic Skills


Miaron O. Jacob1, Kassim O. Farah2 and Wellington N. Ekaya2*


1.University of Nairobi, Department of Animal Physiology, P.O. Box 30197,

Nairobi, Kenya

2.University of Nairobi, Department of Range Management, Pastoral Information Network Programme, P.O. Box 29053, Nairobi, Kenya


                   Keywords Indigenous Knowledge. Ethnoveterinary. Diagnostic Skills.


ABSTRACT The Maasai indigenous knowledge of animal diseases is comparable to the conventional knowledge of the modern veterinarian. Their diagnostic skills of livestock diseases is based on indigenous symptoms of diseases, vectors of diseases, season effects and species affected. The pastoralist diagnostic skills appear to be superior to those of agropastoralists. With the advent of modern veterinary medicine, the Maasai ethnoveterinary practice appears to be on the decline.  This paper focuses on indigenous knowledge basis for diagnosis, treatment and control of selected examples of livestock diseases.  In addition, the impact of modern veterinary medicine on pastoral (Maasai) ethnoveterinary practice will be briefly discussed.


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