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AIM: The Journal of Human Ecology (J Hum Ecol) is a peer reviewed, internationally circulated journal. It publishes reports of original research, theoretical articles and timely reviews, and brief communications in the interdisciplinary field of Human Ecology. The Journal serves as a forum for social and life scientists and health professionals. Especially those who share common interests in understanding Man-Environment Relationship. Reviews of books and other publications relevant to Human Ecology are also published.
DISCIPLINES COVERED: The Journal seeks scholarly manuscripts that address all aspects of the discipline of Human Ecology. Thus, the transdisciplinary areas covered by Human Ecology include, but are not limited to, Anthropology (Physical/Biological, Social/Cultural), Sociology, Geography, Life Sciences, Forensic Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Botany, Agriculture, Home Science, Zoology, Genetics, Biology, Medical Sciences, Public Health, Demography along with their relationship interfaces. The Journal publishes basic, applied and methodologically oriented research from all areas. This includes measurement, analytical techniques and strategies, and computer applications in Human Ecology. The field of Human Ecology has undergone considerable growth and diversification in recent years, and the expansion of the aims and scope of the Journal is a reflection of this growth and membership diversification. The Journal is committed to prompt review, and priority publication is given to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscript of unusual interest. Constructive criticisms and discussions of published papers and letters of relevance and interest to the readership will be published at the discretion of the Managing Editor. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted).
FREQUENCY: There shall be twelve issues, four volumes per year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July August, September, October, November, December).
MANUSCRIPT: Manuscript along with disk should be submitted to the Administrative Editor, B-2 (Ground Floor), South City II, Gurgaon 122 018, Haryana, India or e-mail to: kre@airtelmail.in. Materials submitted for publication are to be prepared in accordance with The Guide for Contributors, which is published january issue of the journal (or visit our website: www.krepublishers.com). Manuscripts which do not fully confirm to Journal style will be returned to the Authors.
REVIEW OF ARTICLE: All papers and articles submitted are subjected to review. The possible exceptions are in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire volume is devoted to a special theme.
SPECIAL ISSUE/VOLUME: Scholars are welcome to edit an entire Special Issue/Volume of the journal in their field of specialisation as a Guest Editor. For details write to the Administrative Editor, B-2 (Ground Floor), South City II, Gurgaon 122 018, Haryana, India or e-mail to: kre@airtelmail.in
Subscription rates: The annual subscription price for twelve issues, four volumes per year for institution, libraries and other corporate bodies is US$ 600/- Rs. 18000/- (Single Issue: US $ 55/- Rs. 1750/-). Rupee prices are valid in India. Subscription rates include postage air mail delivery
COPYRIGHTS ©: Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher. © Kamla-Raj Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Administrative Editor, B-2 (Ground Floor), South City II, Gurgaon 122 018, Haryana, India or e-mail to: kre@airtelmail.in
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Forward change of address about two months prior to move.
MISSING ISSUE: Claims for undelivered copies will be accepted only after the following issue is received. Missing copies will be supplied when issues have been sustained in transit and where reserve stock permits.
CANCELLATION: Subscription cancellations will not be accepted after the first issue has been mailed.
DISPUTE: Subject to DELHI Jurisdiction only, in case of any dispute