01. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Alfred A. Adegoke Professor Field of Specialisation: Counselling Psychology Address: Department of Counsellor Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234-08033940111 Mobile: 234-08033940111 E-mail: fredgoke2@yahoo.com
02. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES
Dr. Anthony O. Afemikhe E-mail: tonyafemikhe@yahoo.co.uk
03. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Daniel Aigbomian Professor Field of Specialisation: Science Education Address: Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, P.M.B. 14, Ekpoma 310001, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 08033932328 (M) Email:danaigbomian@yahoo.com
04. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Oyaziwo Aluede Professor Field of Specialization: Guidance and Counselling, Human Development Address: Department of Educational Foundations and Management, Ambrose Alli University, PMB 14, Ekpoma 310001, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234-805660923 (M) E-mail: oyaziwoaluede@yahoo com
05. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Rosa Lopez de D’Amico Professor - State Sport Director Field of Specialisation: Sport management, Physical Education, Artistic Gymnastics, Sport pedagogy. Literature in English, EFL, Literature and Culture, Gender Studies Address: Universidal Pedagogica Experimental Libertador, UPEL.Maracay, Venezuela Telephone/Mobile: (58 243) 2421983/ (58) 4166432585 (M) E-mail: rlopezdedamico@yahoo.com
06. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. E.T. Ehiametalor Professor Field of Specialisation: Education Management Address: Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 08037057565 (M) E-mail: profehiametalor@yahoo.com
07. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Bryan Hiebert Professor Field of Specialisation: Counselling Psychology, Stress Control, Counsellor Education Address: Division of Applied Psychology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, NW Calgary AB T2N IN4, CANADA Telephone/Mobile: +1-403-220-3761 (O), +1-403-247-2179 (R); +1-403-660-6641 (M) E-mail: hiebert@ucalgary.ca
08. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES
Dr. Shelley Hymel
09. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Godson C. Igborgbor Professor Field of Specialisation: Guidance and Counselling Address: Faculty of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234- 8050441132 E-mail: gc.igborgbor@yahoo.com
10. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Abraham I. Imogie Professor Field of Specialisation: Instructional Technology and Curriculum Studies Address: Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234- 7028715103 E-mail: inanoya1945@yahoo.com 11. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. S. Kadhiravan Associate Professor Field of Specialisation: Educational Psychology, Human Resource Development Address: Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar - 608002, Tamilnadu, India Telephone/Mobile: +91-9443496299 (M) E-mail: kadhir1971@gmail.com
12. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Maureen C. Kenny Professor, Graduate Program Director Field of Specialisation: Child Maltreatment and Prevention Address: Florida International University, College of Education, Department of Educational and Psychological Studies, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199, USA Telephone/Mobile: (305) 348-3506, E-mail: kennym@fiu.edu
13. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Sahin Kesici Assistant Professor Field of Specialization: Survey Development, Instructional Psychology, Instructional Technology Address: Department of Educational Science, Ahmet Kelesoglu Education Faculty, Selcuk University, Meram, Konya Turkey Telephone/Mobile: (90) 332-323 8220/ (90) 505-680 2729 (M) E-mail: sahinkesici@selcuk.edu.tr
14. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES
Dr. Ibrahim Kolo
15. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Adriana G. McEachern, N.C.C.,C.R.C., L.M.H.C. Associate Professor Field of Specialisation: School Counseling, Mental Health Counselling Address: College of Education, Florida International University, University Park, ZEB 326 Miami, FL 33199, USA Telephone/Mobile: 305-348-3391 E-mail: mceacher@fiu.edu
16. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES
Dr. See Ching Mey
17. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Bernard Moswela Assistant Professor Field of Specialisation: Educational Management Address: Department of Educational Foundations, University of Botswana, private Bag 0022, Gaborone, Botswana, Southern Africa Telephone/Mobile: 00267-71561922 E-mail: moswela@mopipi.ub.bw
18. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. V. Hema Nalini Assistant Professor in English Area of Specialization: Special Education, English, Psychology & Education Address: Deptartment of Education, Avinashilingam University for Women, Ayya Avinashilingam Nagar, Varapalayam Post, Coimbatore 641 108, Tamil Nadu, India Telephone/Mobile: 091-422-2654968; 93818-09315 (M) Email: hemanrao1@yahoo.co.in
19. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. J.D. Okoh Professor Field of Specialisation: Philosophy of Education, Educational Foundations Address: Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234- 8033394280 E-mail: jdokoh@yahoo.com
20. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Neidha Rebeca Oropeza Professor, Editor of CULTURAS y LENGUAS, Coordinator of the Research Cluster: Cultures and Languages Field of Specialization: Literature and Culture, Teaching Strategies, Language Teaching, Theater Address: Departamento De Ingles, Av. Las Delicias, UPEL, Maracay, Venezuela Telephone/Mobile: 00582432698331; 00584162320093 (M) E-mail: fantasienve@yahoo.com
21. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Ngozi Osarenren Associate Professor Field of Specialisation: Counselling Psychology Address: Department of Educational Foundation, University of Lagos, Lagos, NIGERIA Telephone/Mobile: 234- 8023119913 E-mail: ngoziosarenren@yahoo.com
22. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Ikponwonsa Owie Professor Field of Specialisation: Health Education and Educational Statistics Address: Faculty of Education, University of Benin, P.M.B. 1154, Benin City, Nigeria Telephone/Mobile: 234- 24679380, 234- 37112721 E-mail: ikpowie@yahoo.com
23. Member-Ed-Bd-IJES Dr. Marshalita Sims Peterson Professor Field of Specialisation: Education Address: Department of Education, Spelman College, Atlanta C/o 1337 Doe Valley Drive Lithonia, GA 30058, USA. Telephone/Mobile: (404) 270-6062 (O), (770) 484-9592 (R), E-mail: mpeterson@spelman.edu